The End: You Belong

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    Billy kept his eyes closed as the familiar voice spoke to him. He recognized that it was Steve. "I'm so sorry," Steve said. Billy was confused. 'What is he apologizing for?' Billy thought. Steve continued, "I am sorry for not being a better protector," Steve whispered. Billy had enough and opened his eyes. He was met with puffy brown ones. Steve's face lit up when Billy looked at him. "You're awake!" Steve said happily while he hugged Billy tightly. Billy just chuckled.

    "You have nothing to be sorry for," Billy said as he ran his hand through Steve's hair. Steve's grip tightened around Billy. Billy smiled and relaxed his body. They stayed like this for a really long time. The boys missed each-other so much. "I'm hungry," Billy said. Steve laughed as he got off Billy. "What do you want?" Steve asked, grabbing his keys and heading for the door. "Anything is fine with me," Billy said. Billy waved Steve off as Steve shut the door behind himself.

    Billy now had some time to think. He began think about his mother who he had reunited with while he was "dead". Billy paused as it sunk in that he really had died and come back. Like some shit you'd see in a movie. Something deep in Billy almost wished he could've stayed with his mom. She was the only person in his life besides Steve that was gentle to him. Billy tried really hard not to cry. He didn't want Steve to come back to see that. He didn't want to explain or even tell Steve about his encounter with his mother.

    Steve came back in with some KFC. "I got this so we could share cause I'm pretty hungry too," Steve smiled. Billy slid over to make room for Steve. The food was placed between them and they dug in immediately. "Joyce, Hopper, and the kids want to come see you later if that's ok with you?" Steve said through a mouth full of food. Billy just nodded his head. After they finished eating they cuddled again.

    Soon, there was a knock on the door. Steve got up and opened it. He greeted everyone and moved to let them in. Joyce was the first one in the room. She wrapped Billy up in a hug and just held him. Then, Hopper and all the kids trailed in behind her. Billy smiled and greeted them too. The kids were still not used to Billy being so nice so they kept their distance. Except for Max and El who both ran over to hug Billy. "I was so worried don't do that ever again," Max said as she teared up. Billy just smiled and hugged her tighter.

    After a while the doctor came in the room. He told Billy that he'd have to stay a couple of days in there. Billy thanked the doctor and laid back in his bed. Billy was happy that he had all these people here to support him. He felt a little overwhelmed but over all he was happy. He finally felt like he belonged somewhere. He had a family.
So this is the end of this story. Thank you for all the support on it. I don't enjoy writing this anymore but I figured I'd crank out one more chapter before I said goodbye to this project. Again thank you for reading this and please stay safe. <3

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