Chapter Sixteen: Nicotine

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Billy observed as the strange girl looked around the warehouse. Mike has ran over to her and was now holding hands with her protectively. Billy also saw Lucas and Max holding hands. Billy never could understand how he ever could have hurt these kids. However, he did. All they could do now was try to move on. Billy was sorry and he made sure the kids were constantly reminded of that. Billy was beyond himself when they were so eager to help. He knew Steve was popular with them but they were also being supportive and kind to Billy.

Billy was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly heard El talk. "It's him," El murmured. Billy perked up at that and before he could ask she continued, "He has taken on a different form but it's him," she said again to no one in particular. Mike squeezed El's hand to remind her he was there and nothing was gonna happen to her. El looked at Mike and then Hopper. "I can open a gate to the Upside-down," she said. Hopper and Mike sat for a moment considering what El had said. Mike and Hopper were opposed of El going to the Upside-down but they knew it would be unfair to Steve if they didn't try to help him.

El stepped back and sucked in a deep breath. She stared intensely at the wall and her nose began to ooze blood. Billy glanced at El and then the wall. The wall had begun to morph into a doorway. 'Ok, what the fuck?' Billy thought to himself. El gazed at the door her pupils dilating, pure fear had engulfed her. She knew whatever she was about to see would be the true embodiment of evil. She gulped before slowly walking towards the door. Suddenly, she turned. "I must go in alone," El said. Mike and Hopper protested but El insisted. "At least let someone go with you!" Mike begged. El obliged and turned to Billy. She lifted her finger. "Him," she said.

Billy looked at the door and then to El. "Me?" He pointed to himself. El smiled and nodded. Billy walked over to her and they got ready to go find Steve. They said goodbye to everyone and were wished good luck. El took Billy's hand and they walked through the gate. The gate closed behind them and they were locked in the Upside-down. They were instantly met with a cold atmosphere that smelled of moss and decay. Billy's nose scrunched up as he was not fond of the smell. He looked around them and saw lots and lots of trees. He knew where they were. "I talked to Steve in my dream. It sounds crazy but it was him. He was here," Billy pointed to a tree with low branches.

El inspected the tree. Someone had definitely been there. The twigs were snapped and leaves are crushed. She turned to the warehouse. El shut her eyes and breathed in. Billy looked over and saw she was doing that weird shit and her nose was bleeding again. It was hard for him to comprehend that she had real superpowers. She pointed to the building and Billy instantly understood the message. They approached the building. Once inside, they silently crept to the nearest set of crates. They could feel something evil lurking among them. El looked nervous which in turn made Billy nervous. He began to fidget. El grabbed his hand again and she pointed at another set of crates across the room. "Steve, he's there," El said confidently. Billy nodded and got up to run over but he was interrupted by a loud growl.

The monster had found them. Billy scrambled behind the crates with El again. El mustered up enough courage to face the monster head on. She stood up and walked out of her spot. Billy had tried to get her to come back but she wouldn't budge. Billy didn't know what to do. He couldn't move. El stared at the monster. El stood her ground and the fight begun. El began to levitate and scream at the top of her lungs. Steve was now peaking over the crates and watching El. He had yet to notice Billy. The monster charged at El despite her using her full power against it. Right when it was about to strike her, she was pushed out of the way. Billy yelled as the monster dug it's tentacles into his sides and stomach. El began using her powers again while the monster was distracted. Steve ran out from behind the crates to try to get to Billy but the monster exploded causing everyone to fly back.

Steve got up and clutched his head. On the ground was a pool of blood that led up to a very distraught El and a very pale Billy. Steve ran over and held Billy in his arms. Steve finally let loose and began to cry his eyes out. The tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he picked up the lifeless body of his lover. El opened a gate and they were back into their realm. Everyone was excited to see El and Steve until they saw the state Billy was in. They rushed to Hopper's car and rushed him to Hawkins lab. When they got there doctors were at the ready and got right to work on reviving Billy. Steve sat in the waiting room with the others. Joyce, Robin, and Dustin all hugging him. Max was loudly crying and that made Steve feel even worse. 'I just froze,' he thought.

Steve got up and stepped outside so he could be alone and get some fresh air. He couldn't believe he was gonna do this but, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He coughed a little as the nicotine burned his throat. He exhaled and watched the smoke dance up into the dimming sky. He was still crying. His thoughts consumed him. He began blaming himself for what happened. All he could do now was hope.

"Please come back to me Billy."

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