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"Diamonté can you hear me?" she heard the muffled voice of Mya call out to her. Her head moved slowly to the side as her eyes fluttered open. She squinted a little trying to adjust to the white light shining in her face.

"Yeah, get that shit out my face." she said pushing back the lamp and sat up. Looking around, she realized she was in one of the temporary emergency rooms inside the psychiatric hospital.

"What happened?" she asked no one in particular

"You passed out." her boss Ashley spoke up, on the other side of her, watching her with concerned eyes.

Dia was confused for a second but then the memory clicked. Demetrius was alive. He was there inside the hospital, and he was her patient. "Right..." she whispered to herself, and took a very nervous deep breath.

How he was alive? She had no idea, she just knew she had killed him. in Quebec. But as of now she wasn't too sure. Unless it was another one of her hallucinations, which she figured it had to be, there was no possible way Demetrius was still alive after all these years.

If he was, he would've been hunted her down and enacted his revenge. He wasn't the type to sit and wait around, especially not for years on top of years. So, Dia denied the thought of him being alive in her head. That patient's face just had to just be a hallucination of hers.

But the voice, "What's good D?" that voice rang in her ears over and over again. She began to bite her nails and second guess her denial. Hallucinating the face was one thing, but hallucinating the face, the body features, the voice, the dialect, that was a whole other ball game.

Dia was snapped out of her thoughts when Mya placed a hand on her shoulder and held out a plate of assorted fruits. "You haven't had any food in your system, try eating something." she urged

"Thanks." Dia mumbled, taking the plate from her she began to eat as told. She hadn't eaten all morning, skipping breakfast because she was late and taking care of DJ as well.

"Yeah the doctors said you needed something in your system and some hydration. That's why you passed out." Ashley added on while she ate.

Dia held back a scoff, knowing that wasn't the case at all but she couldn't tell them what really happened. It would be confusing and would definitely be too much information for them to know. Especially since she wasn't sure if it was true herself. So instead, she just nodded her head in agreement and let them believe that. "Hey Ashley um, about my patient..." Dia trailed off

"Oh, don't worry, he's still coped up in his room, you've only been knocked out for 20 minutes. I think you can go back up there after you finish eating. He says he's fine with what happened, he understands." Ashley assured

But Dia didn't want assurance, she wanted answers. "Yeah okay," she mumbled first, "But he's sort of quiet, do you happen to know his name? I doubt he'll tell me." she said cracking a half smile trying to give off an amused impression

Ashely thought to herself for a second and then nodded a little, "I think so. I'll go and check his file to be sure though." she said and walked out of the room completely.

Mya sat on the edge of the bed and faced Dia, she then nudged Dia's arm. "So? Do you like prison bae?" she asked

Dia just shrugged as a response "I don't know, I passed out 5 minutes in." she chuckled

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