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July 16th
California: Compton

"I'm thinking we should do red roses for August's funeral and maybe some lilies for yours." Naomi spoke up after a long moment of silence from processing the news Dia just told her while they sat on her couch. It was the day after the party, Dia and August decided together that they wouldn't speak on what happened, but she needed someone to tell and she always told Naomi everything. She couldn't hide a secret from Nae to save her life anyway.

"Naomi!" Dia exclaimed, hitting her arm playfully. "Don't say that." she pouted slightly while biting at her undone nails. It was a joke, but it wasn't a joke at the same time and she knew that.

"Why not? He killed Trey just for having a little crush on you. What do you think he's gonna do when he finds out you had sex with his best friend at his daughter's party? Shit, he might even kill me too just cause I'm friends wit y'all." Nae sighed, shaking her head. She couldn't believe what Dia had just spilled to her, it was surreal. Never had she thought either of them would ever betray Demetrius like so.

"My God," Dia mumbled, burying her face in her hands. She was ashamed to say the least, she felt slutty and most of all dirty for how much she enjoyed it. "I don't know what came over me. I just- I was upset about Demetrius and he was there for me. I just needed a stress reliver." she sighed, raking both her hands through her scalp.

Naomi placed a hand on Dia's knee to comfort her, "I understand, and I'm not judging you for wanting to get a nut in Dia, but with your baby daddy's best friend, practically his brother? Come on D. There's billions of guys out there." she said.

"I know, I know it was wrong in a way. But I mean don't you think I have a right to do so?" Dia asked, Nae eyed her curiously to see where she was going with this. "Me and Cartier aren't together, he's with his baby mama, I'm allowed to be with whoever I wanna be with too." she stated.

"Dia this is different. I know he hurt you a lot but you are his first love, the love of his life, and August is his best and only friend, besides me. This would break his heart beyond repair, and there's not much left of his heart as is." Naomi said, making Dia feel bad as she picked at her nails. "Think about it, you're my best friend and I'm yours, so wouldn't you be hurt if you knew that I had had sex with Carti?" she then asked.

Dia gave a small nod, not looking up from her hands. "Yes, yes I would. You're right, fuck you're always right." she mumbled, leaning back on the couch while thinking to herself. "You know, I always wondered, have you guys ever..." Dia trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

Nae scrunched up her face in disgust at her question. "Girl no. That's incest, what the hell is wrong with you?" she asked in disbelief causing Dia to chuckle.

"Sorry, I just wanted to know, just in case. But you're right, what we did was completely wrong, and that's why me and August agreed to just, not speak on it again and to forget it ever happened. Demetrius doesn't have to find out anything." she nodded her head but Naomi shook hers.

"You can't just forget something like that Dia, this is huge." Nae told her, and they both paused for a little before she spoke up once again. "And speaking of huge... how was he?" she asked, tucking her lips into her mouth.

Dia's face immediately heated up in embarrassment "W-what?" she stuttered, not sure how to answer her question

"How was he? Was he better than Carti?" Nae pressured curiously making Dia blush even more if that was even humanly possible.

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