Siding As A Milly

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"Y/N! Glad you're here! Welcome!" Sunny smiled, her cape flowing behind her, you smile & say "Glad to be here!" You smile. "Sunny is this Y/N?" Lil asked, her skin was a blue color & you haven't seen her 12 years. "Lil? Is that you?" You asked, unsure if it was. Lil nodded, not noticing your excitement. "Wow, rude!" You joke. She smiled & hugs you, you hug her back & look around for any other generals. "We're... The only ones right now. But, we're hoping to get more. Though we do have an army. Even though it's a bit smaller than the other's."

"You mean others'? There's two of us, bitch." A girl with red hair & black silky ball gown. Sunny seemed uncomfortable around her. "I'm Lilly, one the leaders of the Rebel Army." She smirked at you, but it was forced. She couldn't even smile at you. "Where's James?" Lil asked, Lilly chuckled "We're smart enough to keep one of us in hiding. Yet, both of you are right here in front of me. If I was ambushing you'd be done for-" 

"Watch it, Lillith." Lil growled, Lilly groaned "I'm not going to. I'd like to play around with this war instead." She grinned.

Sunny laughed nervously & pushed you into another room "If you ever see her when you're by yourself. Think very logical, none of our soldiers have ever outran her or hid from her. Once we find them, she's already sliced them into pieces or left them as bones." Your eyes widened & you start to feel nervous around Lilly as well. She laughed "I can sense your feelings, Y/N. That's why they can never run." Her pupils become smaller, & her smile seemed more evil than last time.

Sunny & Lil leave to have a private talk & Lilly seemed to get closer, she leans over to you with something at her side. You grab a wine glass & throw it at her. She chokes on a small bit of wine, you broke the wine glass & slashed her cheek with it, she winced at the pain & lunged at you. Sunny runs in & shoves her away. Lilly explained everything & she kept both of you away. Lilly slowly walks out the castle, keeping her eyes locked on you, even as she got on her white horse.

Okay! So the other part will be out soon! It might be today or tomorrow! Enjoy!


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