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I looked over at Jared and smiled as I heard Richard outside the door. I whisper "Thank you!" He grins listening. "What you doing here Rob? You don't shoot any scenes today." I hold my breath waiting for Rob to answer. "I left something in my trailer yesterday that I needed." Next, we hear Jensen say "Come guys why don't we go to make up." Jared and I wait for a minute. I hear my phone ding I pull it out seeing Rob sent a text. 

Robbie: Hey Tayser you're safe to come out. Meet me at my car in 10 minutes and we'll head back to Jensen's 

Taylor: Okay Robbie! Thanks! 

Jared and walk out the room and head to his trailer to wait. After 10 minutes I look at Jared and say "How am I going to get to Rob's car without risk of Richard seeing me." Jared smirks pulling off his jacket and hands it to me. I chuckle pulling it on and pull the hood over my head. "Jar I look ridiculous!" He laughs "Maybe so Tay but if you keep your head done Rich won't be able to recognize you."

I hug Jared and slowly walk out of his trailer making my way to the parking lot to Rob's car. I glance up and see Rob grinning. "Tayser that you??" I laugh as I reach him and hurry to get in the car. He gets in and looks at me as he starts the car. "What's with the new look?" I punch him "I didn't want Rich to see me so Jared lent me his jacket." He laughs "Looks more like a dress!" 

"Robert shut up!" He laughs as he starts to drive off. 


Later that day Rob and I were watching movies at Jensen's when my phone rang. It was a number I didn't recognize. Rob looks over at me from the couch where he is sitting. "Who is it?" I look at him "I don't know!" "Well answer! It could be about the audition." I nervously answer. "Hello?" Hello is this Ms. Ackles?  "Yes, this is her."  This is the casting director for Supernatural. I wanted to call and let you know you got the part. You'll start filming next week. "OKAY!! Thank you!!" 

I hang up and look over to Rob. "Well?" I sit there for a moment before I give him a huge grin. "ROBBIE!!! I GOT THE PART!!! I start next week!!" He gets up and pulls me in for a tight hug. "That's amazing Tayser! I never doubted you get the part! So when you gonna tell Rich!" He pulls away and sits back down. I laugh sitting back down next to him this time. "I think I'll let him wait a little longer. Right now I wanna text Jensen!" Rob laughs as I pull out my phone and text Jensen.

Me: Jensen!!! 

After a few minutes, he texts back.

Jensen: Everything okay Tay??

Me: EEEKKK!!! Jensen!!! I got the part!!! 

My phone rings I laugh seeing it's Jensen. I answer. 

Tay are you serious??  I chuckle "YES Jensen! They just called me! I start next week!" Tay this is so amazing! Have you told Rich yet?  "No, I haven't so far the only ones that know are you and Rob!" 

I hear someone call Jensen as he says Taylor I've got to get back on set. We'll talk more about this when I get home later okay! I love you Jerk! I laugh "Okay J! I love you too Bitch! And BTW don't say anything to Rich I want it to until I get on set next week and surprise him!" He laughs Okay Tay I won't say anything! Gotta go now! Bye!


The rest of the week kind of flew by. I managed to keep the job a secret from Richard. It was Sunday evening. I was due on set the next morning and I was nervous. I was fidgeting with the hole in my jeans as Jensen and sat watching Ten Inch Hero. I jump hearing Jensen's voice. "Tay, you okay?" I look up at him a chuckle softly. "Yeah J I'm fine." He glances at me. "Tay you know I can tell when you're lying. What's up?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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