New Beginnings

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We reach his house. I notice a car in his drive. "Jay who's here??" He grins "It's a surprise!" I give him a look causing him to chuckle. "Relax Tay it's not Rich." I smile getting out and walk to the door. Before I can open it it swings open. "ROBBIE!!!" He chuckles as I jump into his arms he catches me spinning me. "Tayser!" He puts me down. "What are you doing here Robbie!" He grins "I wanted to surprise you and Jensen thought it would be fun for us to run lines together while he goes to set to film." I smile following him and Jensen inside. Jensen hugs me as he grabs something and says "As much as I'd love to stay here and help Tay I have to get to set to film. I'll leave you in the capable hands of Rob! Love you sis."

He leaves and its just me and Rob. "So Tayser tell me what have you been up to since we last saw each other?" I smile "Just hung out with Rich until he left. The past week I've been freaking out." He chuckles "Why have you been freaking out?" I look at him on the verge of tears. "Just nerves I'm not going to get the part. Nerves that I'm going to screw up the audition!" Rob smiles pulling me to him. "My sweet Tayser if you're half the actor your brother is you'll do amazing!" I squeeze him "Robster you're the best." He grins "So what do you say we run some lines?" I nod as he hands me a script and he takes the other.

We start to run lines until i look at my phone seeing we've been doing it for almost two hours. "Robbie we've been running lines for almost two hours." He goes to say something as my phone dings. I pull it out seeing Richard sent me a text. "That Rich?" I look up at Rob and grin. "How'd you know?" He chuckles "Just a guess!" I laugh as I open the text.

Rich: Hey Gorgeous! I really miss you! What are you doing?

I guess I don't respond quickly enough because before I can do anything my phones FaceTime is ringing. I look at Rob. "What do I do! I don't want him to know I'm here yet?" Rob smirks. "Just relax Tayser. I'll go in the other room answer and just tell him you're visiting with a friend." I nod as he walks out I answer Rich FaceTime call. Rich grins when he sees me.

Hey Gorgeous! My god I've missed you so damn much! What are you doing?

I've missed you to Rich! Nothing really just hanging out.

He grins then looks around the room.

Where are you gorgeous???

I shallow hard.

I'm at a friends house for weekend.

He looks at me for a moment.

That's weird it looks like an awful lot like Jensen's living room in Canada.

I begin to freak out. As I'm about to say something my phone dings. I see it's text from Rob. I pull it up.

Rob: Relax Tayser! Your face and nervousness is going to give you away. Just keep going with the story!

As I'm reading the text I hear Richards voice.

Who's texting you Gorgeous?

It's just Rob. Listen Rich as much as I love seeing you I need to go. My friend is waiting for me in her room. I'll keep texting you though. I love you Rich!

He looks at me for a moment before he says anything

Okay Taylor! Call me later please so I can hear your voice before I go to sleep. I love you! Have fun with your friend.

I promise I'll call you before I go to sleep! bye!

We hang up and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Rob walks back in laughing. "Tayser you couldn't have been more obvious that you are hiding something." He sits next to me and I punch him. "I hate you Robbie!!!" He laughs harder. "You wanna run your lines more or do you wanna watch a movie?" I sigh "I should probably continue running lines but I don't really want to it's making me sick." He pulls me to him. "Tayser you already know them so well. You will be fine! Just remember to relax and breath tomorrow when you get in the audition room. Jensen and I will be outside the door waiting for you and remember no matter the outcome everything will be fine." I smile "Robster what would I do without you!" He grins "I don't know! So what do you wanna watch?"

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