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I walked downstairs where Addison And Bryce were

Addison: Hey there is my favorite one of Bryce's siblings

Aw I think I am Bryce's favorite to

Bryce: Yes shh don't tell anyone else

Your my favorite to

Jaden: Hey were right here

Anthony: Yeah rude

Boo hoo your just jealous

Jaden: Oh am I he said getting up and chasing me around the house

Your not gonna get me I said

Jaden: I will he said as he caught me and through me over his shoulder

Bryce: Hey put my favorite sibling down

Jaden: Fine he said putting me down as I walked over to the couch were Addison was

Bryce: So Y/n I assume you don't have any dresses

No Bryce I have a ton of them I said sarcastically

Bryce: Funny well Addison and I were thinking we could take you to get one and Quinton to get his outfit

Ook I said cause honestly the dress buying was gonna be my least favorite part so that's what we did I was soon in Bryce's car going to the store

Quinton: Wow Y/n I don't really remember you in a dress

Because I don't like them I said

Addison: What's like a no-no color that you don't want to wear

Definitely not pink hell no I said

Bryce: Knew it let me guess you want a black dress

Yes how did you know

Quinton: It's obvious Y/n

Oh yeah I guess

Addison: Ok well I knew you were gonna say pink

Yeah haha

Quinton: Me and Cynthia are wearing like ocean blue

Why? Never mind I don't really want to know, Vinnie is probably also wearing black

Addison: OoOo who is Vinnie Y/n

Quinton: A guy she wants to date

Shut up

Bryce: Yeah you kinda yelled that you were in love with him and wanted to date him

Addison: Oh my god Y/n

Yeah he is my date

Addison: Awwwww

We got to the store well a store I wouldn't shop but today I am

Addison: Ok you don't want to make it look like your going to a funeral

Oh yeah I guess that's true I said agreeing and after a while I found something that wasn't bad and yeah, then we payed and left. Then met up with Bryce and Quinton.

Bryce: So how was it Addison

Addison: I thought it was gonna be words but it wasn't bad

Quinton : Wow Y/n you didn't give her a hard time

I rolled my eyes and we went home the night flew by and I went to my room watched some Netflix and went to bed

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