Caught Partying

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Josh: Um are you gonna wake up...HELLO

God what the fuck Josh

Josh: Finally he said leaving then I heard Bryce yelling which only means he was makeing a YouTube video

Bryce: so as you can see SOMEONE WONT WAKE UP he said coming into my room

It's 9:00 in the morning how are you so energetic

Bryce: Anni energy go buy yours... what


Bryce: She is always rude anyway get ready

Bryce why its like 9:03

Anthony: Hey listen to your brother

Okay when are you going to stop saying that

Kio: When you start to listen

Great welcome to the party Kio

Kio: Appreciated Y/n

Knew it

Bryce: ANYWAY Y/n you need to get out of bed

Ugh why its so comfortable


No Bryce he like scares me cause he is strict but then he dose not

And that's how Griffin is he is the brother that signs my report cards or forms for school ya know. Also when I "miss behave" at school he is the one they call cause Yeah.

Bryce: You are making no fucking sense right now

Anthony: since when dose she

Really funny

Bryce: Anyway I don't even know what we are doing

So your telling me you woke me up for no reason

Bryce: Yeah anyway be down in 10


Bryce: Y/n


So anyway I went downstairs after that cause yeah.

Jaden: Wow someone is actually up this morning


Bryce: Yeah I woke her up he said proud

Jaden: Wow good job

Yeah love you too

Jaden: well I have to be at the studio in like 20 minutes so I got to go be good Y/n he said kissing my head

Yeah yeah I will Jaden anyway can I go to Vinnie's

Griffin: um no you go there make out with a guy, drink, smoke, don't even come back home by curfew and that's all you do go to his house then all that

Well good morning to you to Griff

Anthony: he is not wrong

And you wonder why I don't come out of my room

Bryce: I mean yeah y'all are kinda being uptight about this

Thank you Bryce this is why your my favourite brother cause your reasonable

Bryce: Thank you I mean Griffin you did make her curfew 10:00

Griffin: Yeah so


Bryce: yeah uh it should be at least 1 am I mean remember us in high school freshman year

Griffin: Bryce

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