Part 21: Were you?

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Maya's POV
it was lunch now I've seen ag in the halls but she's been with Anna the whole time she walks her to class and she waits for her once she's done. But I don't go to her if I do I know I'm gonna say something and it's just gonna piss off ag. I spotted Olivia and I started to make my way towards her, "hey" she said as she put her phone away. "Hey" I responded back with a fake smile, "so how are you and Jayden?" "We're fine we're great actually I've never been this happy before" "well I'm glad he's making my best friend smile that's all that matters" I said. "How are you and ag?" Olivia asked, "um were good" "but?" She asked. "But what?", "I know you maya you have something else on your mind so what is it tell me". I wanted to tell her that her boyfriend was actually sleeping with me but I can't do that not just yet

"She's been hanging out with Anna a lot makes me worried" "she loves you ok look the day I went to your house me and her talked and I can tell that she loves you...we've had this conversation before Maya and I've told you countless times that she will always love you no girl that gets into ags life is gonna change that ok not even Anna" she said as she put her hands on my shoulders. "Thank you Olivia", "of course now let's go to lunch and no more overthinking got it?" "Yeah sure let's go" I said as I began walking with her, "hey can we talk" what the hell does Dylan want now. "Can it wait?" I asked, "no actually it can't" he said as he looked at Olivia and back at me. "Dude back off you always want something" Olivia said, "oh hey Olivia I didn't notice you since you weren't using that annoying ass voice you have". I never notice how rude Dylan was up until now

"Oh shut the hell up Dylan your just mad that you and Jamie did it at that party two days ago and she saw your little tiny dick, and also you couldn't even make her finish" Olivia said. Dylan was just standing there speechless not knowing what to say so was everyone around us. "I mean Ag was always the better twin right Maya because she was better at everything's true right Dylan I mean ag could probably make a girl finish better than you can" Olivia walked away and Dylan grabbed my arm and pulled me into a corner. "Not gonna say you didn't deserve that but you did you've been a total dick so everything that Olivia said was appropriate". "Whatever ag isn't the better twin" "oh trust me if you've seen what I seen she is the better twin at least she can make a girl finish unlike you from what I heard..."

It was fun seeing Dylan get so angry I never knew how easily he gets offended. "All right I don't wanna hear no more that's just gross" Dylan said. "But you might wanna keep an eye out on that girlfriend of yours Maya she's getting real close with Anna" "yeah and that's a problem for you too right, I mean I bet you can't stand seeing your sister be with the girl you like". "Just keep ag under control alright from what I can tell you're loosing her and I think it's gonna be too late for you guys". "I have her under control but you don't have a chance with someone like Anna so don't get your hopes up Dylan your just gonna end up heartbroken by her in the end". He nodded and started to walk away, "Dylan!" "Yeah?" He asked turning around to face me, "I'm just looking out for you" "yeah...thanks". He walked away and I headed to the lunch room I spotted Olivia. I made my way over to her and sat down, "hey you didn't have to do all that back there you know"

"I don't care Dylan's a douche bag he can't seem to know when he needs to step back...but hey you picked the right twin if you had dated Dylan I probably would've broken you two up". "Yeah right" I said as I let out a nervous laugh, "so Christian is throwing a party tonight you going?" Olivia asked. "Yeah I am you?" "Yeah of course I'm gonna take Jayden with me so it'll be fun". "Yeah it will be fun", "is ag going with you?" Olivia asked, "I don't know" I turned my head over at ags table and she wasn't there that's weird. I decided to go over there even if ags friends don't like me they're gonna have to deal with me. "Hey guys do you know where ags at?" They all looked at me but none of them said a word until Avery came by. "I think I saw her in the soccer field", "great thanks". I started to make my way to the field and of course she was with Anna

"Hey we never finished our project" I said, "well we did I finished it up yesterday". "Oh thanks for that" I said as I smiled at Anna."So you going to the party later" Anna asked. I quickly turned my attention to her, "uh I think I don't know I don't really like going to parties but Maya does so she's gonna make me go". "Why do you allow her to control you I mean you are your own person" Anna said as we sat down on the bleachers. "I don't know I mean she's my girlfriend and I'm willing to do anything that keeps her happy". "Yeah I get that but your happiness matters too", "I'm happy maya's a great girlfriend I'm just trying to keep it that way". "You could do better ag" Anna said, "I'm guessing your talking about yourself" I said. "Now your getting it", "your great Anna I wont lie about that...but I used to like you back in sophomore year I never built up the courage to ask you out because well I didn't know you liked girls until you came out as bi"

"But what I'm trying to say is that if I had the courage to ask you out I know things would have be so different...but you know I'm with maya so I guess things didn't go as planned". She didn't say anything she just sat there looking up ahead not knowing what to say I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. "Look if I made you uncomfortable with what I said I'm sorry" "no no I just never though I'd hear those words come out of your mouth...I always thought you weren't interested". "We're you? know interested in me" I asked knowing the answer to that question but I had to hear it come from her. Before she could say anything we got interrupted by maya... "hey babe" maya wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. "Hey Anna" "Maya", well this is awkward. "We're going to the party right babe?" Maya asked

"Yeah of course", I looked back at Anna and she shook her head I could tell she knew that I didn't want to go. "Well I'll leave you two alone I have to go find Emmi" Anna said as she got up and walked away. I wanted to say something but it was too late, "so any particular you guys were out here all alone" maya asked. I got up and sighed not this again, "babe...we were just talking ok no reason for you to be worried" I said as I grabbed her hand. "Ok now can we go eat lunch together please?" "Yeah of course". She gave me a kiss and we started to walk...I can't tell if Anna was gonna tell me the truth about her feelings for me. Let's hope this party takes my mind off of Anna at least...

Is something gonna go down at the party...?

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