Part 27: this is gonna be fun

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*Small SMUT scene*
          *the day of Brandon's soccer game*
I finished getting ready for Brandon's soccer game I wore a plain white shirt and some grey sweat shorts. I had engraved his number the night before on the back of my shirt. Speaking of last night it was honestly the most I smiled being with Anna. It was fun getting to see another side of her that not many people see. Messing around with her and the paint was fun well besides the fact that she got paint on my shoes but that's ok. Oh and Chloe caught us kissing but I'm glad she only saw and not Brandon.

"Come on Brandon let's go say goodbye to Chloe" Anna said, "wait I need to use the bathroom!". I opened the front door for Anna and walked her to her car. "I had fun today" I said putting my hands in my pockets. "Me too you know besides getting paint all over me" I laughed at her comment and shook my head. "Good luck trying to explain that to your parents", "yeah I think they're gonna be pretty surprised when they see me". It was silent until I decided to speak up, "thank you for today boon". "What for?", "I haven't been myself lately with everything that has happened but today was good because of you so thank you" I said. "Well you can call me anytime I'll be here for whatever you want" she said. "By the way we never got to finish what we started", "well I-" before I could finish talking I felt her lips on mine. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I put my hands on her waist pulling her closer. "I knew it you do like her!" I pulled away from the kiss and seen Chloe at the doorstep with the biggest smile.

I nervously laughed and Anna let go of me. "So I'll see tomorrow", "yes definitely" I said. I made my way towards Chloe and she couldn't stop smiling. "I don't like her Chloe so don't say anything about it", "not even to Brandon?" She asked. "No not even to him because you guys are gonna make a big deal out of it", "ugh fine but you owe me". "Of course" I said sarcastically, "where's Anna?" I look up and see Brandon. "She's outside waiting for you come on" he ran down the stairs and made his way outside. I said goodbye to him and waited for him to get in. I closed the front door, and as I turned around Chloe was there crossing her arms. "If you don't like her why did you kiss her?" Chloe asked, "correction she kissed me...and I can't really explain it when you're older you'll understand so for right now let's not talk about this". "Fine", "come on let's go home"

"Ag...Ag...Ag!" I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly turned around. "Oh hey Finn", "hey so I'm gonna be back later than expected I have somewhere to be" he said. "You look nice" I said looking at him up and down. "Huh...oh yeah thanks" I could see him blushing which could only indicate that he has a date tonight. "Going someplace special...with someone special" I said raising my eyebrows at him. "Ok I'm going out with Emmi no big deal" he said, "wait you and Emmi when did that happen and why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked. "It's new we're just taking it slow for now", "speaking of going somewhere.... where exactly are you going with the number 12 on your back" finn said. "Oh um it's Brandon's soccer game today so I'm gonna be going with Anna to cheer him on". "Hey maybe we can double date since you've been spending quite some time with Anna" Finn laughed. "Nope don't say that it was only just a kiss", "I heard it was multiple kisses...didn't you kiss her yesterday" damn it Chloe. She can't keep a secret

"Chloe told you didn't she?", "I bribed her I gave her 20 bucks if she told me what you and Anna were doing together yesterday". "I swear she can't keep her mouth shut" I said, "she would've told me anyways but um pretty sure she told your mom". I look at him and just sighed, "well I gotta go and pick up Anna but you look great man I hope your date goes good" I said as I gave him a pat on his back and started to make my way to the front door. I started my car and drove off to Anna's house, after about 10 minutes I finally got there. Anna was already outside waiting for me, she got in my car and I started to drive to where Brandon's soccer game was at. "So where's Chloe?" she asked, "she's at my dad's place for today". "Anna?" I said, "all these times that we've been together you know all the times that we've kissed what does it mean?". "Look ag you just got out of a relationship and I think we should just avoid thinking about this for right now..."

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