Dreamnap fluff(Neko!Dream)

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Dream finally left his room and went into the living room after recording a video with Bad and George, he thought Sapnap was still streaming so he made his way quietly to his room and opened the door and peeked in, seeing the room empty. He raised an eyebrow but shrugged closing the door again and walking into the living room, seeing Sapnap walk in after him.

Sapnap pushed the neko down onto the sofa and smirked, climbing onto his lap and facing him, while for the moment the Texan had the height advantage he got very close to the boy, gently booping the other boys nose with his own. He didn't have any context to the sudden actions, from the corner of his eyes he could see Dream's ears flattening against his head and his tail wrapped around whatever part of Sapnap's leg it could grab.

"Hiya~" he giggled, resting his arms over the boys shoulders fully pulling himself closer to the dirty blond haired male.

"Sapnap?" Dream asked confused, his ears raising once again as he rested a hand on the boys waist.

"Hm?" He questioned.

"What on earth are you doing?" Dream asked letting out a confused airy chuckle.

The black haired male said nothing and moved his own arms slightly to nuzzle his face to the side of Dream's neck. The neko's ear flicked slightly. Still as confused as before, Dream wrapped his arms around Sapnap's waist, pulling him closer.

"Sap, you can't just push me onto the couch and sit on my lap and give me no response." Dream spoke softly, still confused obviously.

Sapnap sighed, the breath against the others neck made the neko shiver. The black haired male moved a hand up to the boys hair and tangled it into the hair, his finger tips brushing against one of the nekos ears.

"You're always busy." He mumbled, removing his face from the side of the boys neck. His face still close to Dream's.

"I would've ended the recording earlier if you wanted to hang out a bit." Dream said, feeling slightly bad. He left a kiss onto the boys nose, knowing that it would get a smile out of the boy, and sharing a smile with Sapnap.

The two had been in a relationship from awhile now, nobody really knew as Dream didn't want to upset the fans and Sapnap wasn't ready for everyone to know. They where happy enough to keep it private, satisfy their fans with the flirting with their friends but they'd almost always have awhile to call or text just in case the other got too jealous. But now that they lived together for awhile it's been easier to comfort one another.

Sapnap got jealous and insecure when it came to Dream spending a lot of his time with other people while Sapnap watched from the sidelines like watching the stream of them and feeling left out, but for Dream it was when Sapnap flirted with others or he pretended to kiss their character that he started to do more often with Karl. It was safe to say they both had their insecurities but they tried to work together on it.

"You still like me, right?" Sapnap asked cautiously, removing his head from the boys neck and looking at him worriedly, the neko seemed shocked at the question, the tips of his fingers of the hand that laid on Sapnap's waist fidgeted with the shirt he had on, half his hand gently resting against the others tan skin.

"Oh come on, of course I do, why wouldn't I?" He asked leaning forward and placing a kiss onto the others lips softly.

"I don't know," admitted Sapnap, kissing Dream again and bring a hand to the neko's ear, petting it gently and smiling into the kiss. "You've just been talking to anyone else lately and your always busy."

"And you're always busy when I try to talk to you." The dirty blonde haired male responded, leaning his ear more into the hand as he purred slightly, blushing embarrassed at the instinct.

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