Chapter 8

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__ tw: mention of blood/bullying and abuse __

Merediths pov:
Derek dropped me of and I walked into my house. I dropped my stuff on my bed and I walked to the kitchen to grab some water. When I walk into the kitchen I see a pool of blood. All I see is blood, I start screaming my mothers name but she doesn't respond. "MOOM!" I walked into every room and every closet. I don't even know why I'm looking into closets but it is a lot of blood. Suddenly I hear sniffles coming from the last room in the hallway. Our room for boxes and stuff. I opened the door just a bit to see if someone was inside. "Mom?!! Are you okay? What happened??" my mom was laying there tight up with blood flowing down her arms. "She-she-" "mom calm down, its okay I got you" I untied the strings around her feet and hands. "She rang the doorbell and said she was a friend of yours so I decided to let her in and let her wait for you to come home.. but than when I went to grab some soda she suddenly stood behind me with a knife. She told me if I would scream or something she would kill you so I didn't do anything, I just let her do everything, oh my god I'm so stupid.." "mom you're not stupid, but do you know her name?" I looked into her eyes with a lot of hope. "Rosé I think?" that name scared the crap out of me. I didn't think she would do this to my own mother! "Mom come on, let's go I'm going to clean you up and we're going to the hospital because you definitely need some stitches." "Okay" she looked at me with a sad expression I've never seen before she is always so positive and happy. I cleaned up her cuts and I drove to the hospital. We explained the story and she got 12 stitches. We went home and I decided to tell my mom about the bullying and how I really met Derek. "Mom, can I tell you something?" "Yes of course dear, what's wrong?" "Well, I don't have any friends, so if someone comes up at the door and she/he says he is my friend they're not.." "what do you mean you don't have any friends?" "Mom I'm getting bullied since last year, I'm all alone the entire day and than one day around 2 months ago Derek was there.. I bumped into him in the hallway and we talked for a bit, later that day he saw me crying and he went after me into the ladiesroom" I giggled at the sight of Derek a boy walking into the ladiesroom. "He calmed me down and he said we could get to know each other and we could be friends, we talked for a bit and he got a panic attack, I helped him and he asked me for dinner at his house, that's how our relationship started" "oh dear, I'm so sorry I didn't even notice, I have to thank Derek sometime, you should call him and tell him he can stay here for a few days if he wants to" "okay, I will thank you mom" "of course dear, always!" I stood up and went into the hallway to call der. "Hi mer, is something wrong? How is your mom?" "Well about that, uhm- Rosé visited my mom" "SHE WHAT?!" he practically yelled into the phone. I could hear him stand up and pace around "omg what did I do? I promised I'd protect you. that bitch. oh god-" "Derek calm down its okay, we went to the hospital and she got stitches. "SHE NEEDED STITCHES?!!" "Yeah, Rosé cut her arms.." "oh god, oh god, we- we should break up, I don't want to hurt you or even your mom, she showed where she is up to, I don't want to make it worse" I could hear him sobbing at the other side of the phone. "Der were not going to break up, it's okay, my mom wanted you to come over and stay here for a few days, if you still want to?" "I- I can't- I don't think I can" "Derek come here, come to my house, it'll all be okay" "okay I'm on my way"

Dereks pov:
Shit, what did I do, oh no. I should have known Rosé planned something. I ran around my room to grab some stuff and went downstairs, I saw my mom sitting at the kitchen counter and I refused to look into her eyes. "Derek come here, where are you going" I looked down and said "I'm going to Meredith, her mom wanted me to stay there for a bit" "Derek look at me" I looked her in the eyes and she gave me a sad expression. "Derek why did you cry? What's wrong? Your eyes are all red and puffy" "Rosé, she- she- she hurt Merediths mom, I should have known what she was going to do, oh no I screwed everything up" "Derek calm down, what do you mean she hurt her mom and why should you have known that?" I explained her the whole story and suddenly she said "Derek Meredith loves you, go to her house and tell her you love her too and be there for her and with her, I'll call Rosé's parents" "okay, I love you mom" "love you too honey"

__ sorry for this short chapter but I wanted to post something, I'll write more this week because I don't have a lot of classes. As you might've seen I wrote another 'book' it's about Dereks departure after he got kidnapped by the government, it's a one shot __

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