Subject 6: See U Soon?

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Subject: See U Soon?

I always feel like I've done you wrong...

Am I really that bad of a person?

I mean, I haven't contacted you in nearly eleven years. It's just now that I've decided to reach out to you, and I regret having not contacted you sooner.

Emi-chan, do you hate me?

What on earth am I asking, though? How can you hate someone you barely even remember?

Right, you just can't! Unless, you remember now, then that's another story.

After all, I'm the cause of your fall.

If only I hadn't shocked you that one time, you wouldn't have fallen down that hill and hit your head.

You would still remember me.

You would still remember all the good memories we shared together. Everything, you would remember everything.

Why did I have to be so mean back then?

I know you resent me now.

I know you still hate me.

But even if it's just once, can you look past all my mistakes?

I'm genuinely sorry for all the misfortune I caused you.

I promise if we were to meet again, it'll be the last and I won't bother you ever again.

- Jun 🍛

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