Subject 14: If I Could Tell You

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Keigo's POV

As Sukai and I entered Emiri-chan's hospital room, I was surprised to see the sight in front of our very eyes. I was right. Jun was indeed Junki-kun. He had been communicating with Emiri for the past month. All this time, Emiri had been keeping their communication as tight of a secret as she possibly could. But now, with this secret out, I couldn't help but to feel something inside me start to break. No, I wasn't upset. Nor was I the least bit mad, but something inside me started to feel different.

Maybe it was due to the fact that Junki was the only person with Emiri that time she had fallen down that flight of stairs. He was there to save her.

I wasn't.

"Kei-kun! Sukai-kun!" Emiri exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with happiness at the mere sight of us. "You can't believe how happy I am seeing you guys!" Appearing to tear up, Emiri hid her face with her hands out of pure embarrassment.

"We-We're happy to see you too, Emi-chan," Sukai stated, giving our friend a weak smile. "We got here as soon as my classes were over. We're both glad that you regained consciousness!" Putting a bouquet of flowers aside on the nearby chair, I quietly observed Junki's every move. I don't know why I did so, but something in me felt irritated.

"Kei-kun..." Emiri's voice trailed off as she tried to sit up in her hospital bed, Junki soon helping her. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I stated back in reply. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just glad that you're okay," With the most convincing smile I could give, Emiri probably noticed something was off.

Did she see right through the front that I was trying to project?

"Kei-kun, you know you have a bad habit of giving people fake smiles when you're lying, right?" Emiri simply stared at me, perhaps knowing that I didn't want to talk about whatever it was that was bothering me. "Come on, you're with friends, it's probably not a huge deal if you want to talk it out!"

This time, giving Emiri a weak smile, I just told her to get some rest and that I better get home in order to get ready for my shift. "I'm so sorry I can't stay longer, Emiri-chan... My supervisor wants me to come to work early today and I really can't let her down. Don't worry, though. Sukai-kun and Junki will make sure to look after you while I'm gone for a bit,"

Emiri simply gave me a nod, as if implying that she was okay with having me leave, but I could tell that something was bothering her about not being able to talk to me further. Saying my goodbyes, I closed the sliding door behind me and trudged my way on over to the nearby bathroom.

"Keigo," I whispered to myself, splashing some cold water onto my face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Glimpsing up at the mirror in front of me, a sudden bout of frustration came over me. I was upset, upset that I wasn't the one who saved Emiri.

Instead, it had to be Jun-kun, A.K.A Kono Junki.

Flashback, eleven years ago. The day of the incident that caused Emiri to lose her memories of the past.

Suddenly, I was separated from the rest of my close friends. Although I was with my other friends Yurina and Takumi, I couldn't help but feel worried about the situation. What had turned from a nice day out playing hide-and-seek in the nearby forest turned into a huge problem after having lost my two best friends along the way. "Guys, what should we do?" I questioned of my other two friends. "We lost them! How am I going to explain this to our parents?" I squatted down, covering my face with my hands and unable to think of a plan in order to find our two other friends.

Then, we all heard a scream coming somewhere near us. Before I knew it, Junki came, screaming. "Guys, Emiri! She fell!" Shocked, the three of us quickly ran over to wherever Junki and Emiri were a couple of hours ago. We finally reached the spot where Emiri fell, finding her at the bottom of a high hill. Junki quickly explained what had happened, saying that she had tripped and fallen after he had dumbly scared her. A couple of hours had passed until our parents came to find us and an ambulance also came in order to tend to Emiri and her wounds.

After having gotten back from the hospital, Emiri's parents revealed to us that she had suffered from extreme selective amnesia. She no longer remembered who we were and we could only hope and pray that she would remember us, her best friends.

Over time, she eventually did remember us, which I'm glad happened.

However, now with Junki here, things are getting a bit more complicated.

Junki's POV

Sukai, Emiri, and I waited for Kei-kun for some time. "I wonder what's up with him..." Sukai stated, finally breaking the awkward silence between all three of us.

"What do you mean?" I questioned of Emiri's younger college friend. I slowly but carefully helped Emiri to sit up in her hospital bed, gingerly giving her a straw in order for her to drink some water out of a plastic cup. "You can't possibly mean that Kei-kun is umm..."

"Yes, Jun-kun! It's exactly what you're thinking!" Sukai exclaimed, quickly alerting Emiri and me to give him full attention. "I think Keigo's jealous of how close you are to Emi-chan..."

"Is that right?" Emiri questioned, following a small giggle. "Hmm, I wonder why he would be jealous... I know Kei-kun... He usually isn't like this... Why would he be jealous of me and Junki-kun growing closer?"

"Welp! Isn't in obvi?" Sukai stated back in reply, rolling his dark brown eyes at me through his overgrown bangs.

"Obvi?" I repeated the unfamiliar English slang word again, confused by what Sukai could've meant. "Wait... Do you mean obvious?" Giving out an obnoxious chuckle, I simply stared at Sukai, eyes tearing up from laughter just a moment ago.

"Well, sorry Boomer!" Sukai stated in English, causing both Emiri and me to laugh in unison. "Anyways, Kei-kun, I think, probably developed feelings for Emi-chan just recently... Umm well... At least, that's what came to mind for me..."

"Huh? Are you sure?" I asked, curious as could be.

"No way..." Emiri began. She shook her head in disapproval. "There's no way Keigo-kun would fall for me. It's impossible, Sukai!"

No, Emiri...

It's totally possible!

Author's Note:

Hi, everyone! It's your lovely author Cath here lol 😜! Thank you for checking out the most recent chapter of email and thank you for your continuous love and support for this story and JO1! 'Till the next update!

- Cath 🩷

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