our first words

783 18 14

its cold. why am i cold...


what a lame way to go.

is this heaven? looks like hell to me.

i fiddle around with my hair nervously. now just where in the world am i...? im finally able to open my eyes, but i feel as if i should continue to "play dead".... maybe the... man... saved me...?


i hear alot of whispering...

god dammit i wish i was home.

why did i even bother to complain about my uneventful life, i should've been grateful.

none of these voices i can recognize, exempt one ofcourse... the man.

"morning sleepyhead~" his voice catches me off guard. so much for playing dead huh shouta.

act natural, like a hero.

"who are you and what do you want from me?" i let out, as manly as i could. i genuinly want to know the answers to my questions though...

"im tomura shigaraki, but you can call me tomura since were f r i e n d s" he looks me up and down, noticing im blushing

is he.... flirting with me?

"ok tomura, if we are such good friends, why don't you let me go?" i have to act a pro, thats my job, and im still being help captive after all.

"im not done with you yet, mister aizawa" he says while smirking. i notice skin falling off his lips when he moves them....

"let me go." i kick his leg so he wouldnt be so close to me.

"oh were getting abit aggresive aren't we?" damn that crusty ass smirk.

"im a pro hero, you know theyll come for me." hes becoming less patient..

"awe come on, you just got here.. why so eager to leave?"

"you never answered me, why me?"

he rolls his eyes. "ive seen you around and i couldnt resist, youre very popular around these parts eraser head"

odd, i shouldnt be popular anywhere, i try to keep my profile as low as possible... how-

he interupts my train of thought, "yeah everyone in the lov has been debating how you were in person, and personally, im starting to like you. youre not like the other heroes. not at all, much cooler..." he rambles on for what feels like forever

i stay quiet.

thats what im good at.

all of a sudden, three -questionable- children walk in, yelling and arguing.

the burnt looking one runs towards my chair and mutters something under his breath. he grabs the collar of my shirt and punches me, causing me to pass out.

im completely deffenceless, theres nothing i can do but wait.

i feel hopeless.

do they expect me to do this alone or... send someone to my recue-

how pittyful.

i can already see the smug face allmight will make once ge rescues me..

if he does.

god i just want to go home.

the rest of my thoughts become a blur, and darkness.

guess that was the end of our first chat tomura...

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