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i open my eyes slowly, expecting to be in that dirty ass bar... but im wrong. im outdoors. alone.

he actually did set me free... or did he...

its quiet, too quiet. i can hear my own heavy breaths.

why am i so damn sore, it feels like my whole body is numb. im still tied up, nut im alone now so i can easily get this shit off.

i remove my restrains and walk out of the dark, cold allyway. it must be like 4am, ive manage to have caught the sunrise, for the first time ever. its quiet nice, not worth waking up for though.

i scratch the back of my neck, i feel so off... why?

why was i set free? why am i here... so close to home...?

ive been gone for seven days, and yet its like no onw has noticed.

elders still got their morning coffees at the cafe. mothers still held their childs hand on the way to school. heroes were still on regular patrol. the world srill turns the same, with or without me.

atleast i get what i wanted; to go home.

these past days have been me waking up, and instantly getting my ass beat. i overheard some of their conversations, but i cant seem to remember now. i tie my hair back and walk through my empty town, so peaceful.

i stumble my way to my room, and flop down to my bed.

what a shitty week.


"shut up dabi i do not!" i screatch, "see i let him go, that shows i dont like him"

"you put a tracker in his neck you freak" fair point.

"and?" i cross my arms, "what if we need him later on??"

toga comes from behind me and hugs me, " what would WE possibly need him for, hes a hero, he cant and wouldnt help."

i gently scoot away from her embrace "not you too! just shut up i have my reasons."

she whispers in my ears, "fine keep your secrets, freak" she giggles loudly.

"thats it! fuck both of you!" i yell and storm into my room.

i open my phone to check where he is- home already?? he was eager. and i thought i was being an excellent host. well maybe dabi made his stay a little unpleasant, but oh well.

"mr aizawa" isnt like anyone ive ever met, i like him and his ways.

hes also hella attractive- in a totally hetero way... yeah...

he didnt seem to care that we captured him, he was so calm. i kinda miss his pressance.

maybe ill have to visit him.

see you soon, eraserhead

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