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To simply put it, Tina didn't like mornings and didn't understand people who were in a good mood before nine o'clock. Without lifting her head from the pillow, she tried to locate her phone on the bedside table, from which the unbearable sound of the alarm clock was coming. She still wondered what had tempted her two years ago to change her alarm clock from the default alarm clock to a barking dog. After a few seconds, she finally touched the phone and smiled in victory into her pillow only to groaned in frustration a moment later as she felt the cell phone slip from between her fingers to the floor before she turned off the alarm clock.

Sighing into her pillow and she lied like that for a few seconds considering all her options, she decided to try and reach for her phone without getting out of bed hoping she could sleep a few more minutes. Unfortunately when she stuck her head out of the mattress of the bed to peek at the floor she said under her breath mierda seeing that the cell phone was lying at such a distance that without getting out of bed she couldn't reach for it. She listened for a moment to the increasingly annoying barking of the dog and slipped out of bed like a seal on ice not having the strength to get up on her feet yet. When she finally turned off her alarm clock she sighed in relief and pulled the duvet off the bed to lie down some more. With a smile, she snuggled into the gray sheets and closed her eyes.

Unfortunately, her moment of triumph didn't last very long, as five minutes later another alarm clock went off that she forgot to turn off. Annoyed, she threw the duvet back on the bed and turned off the alarm clock. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep again she rose to her feet and quickly closed her eyes seeing black dots and grabbed onto the nearest piece of furniture to keep herself from falling. After several seconds she slowly opened her eyes and sighed with relief when her head was no longer spinning.

She walked over to the closet and pulled out some clothes (black jeans with holes and a white loose t-shirt with Baby Yoda on it), and went to the bathroom, which thankfully wasn't occupied by any of her siblings. After her morning toilet and a five-minute combing of a tangled strand of hair (during which she cursed at least ten times and considered using scissors), she went down to the kitchen, along with her backpack and phone, where Carlos was sitting, finishing his toast.

"Julie is an alien." He quickly said seeing his sister yawning, who looked at him with unconscious look in her eyes. He always said the most bizarre things to her in the morning knowing that she wouldn't even react as her thoughts were still in her sleeping phase.


"Julie sang and played the piano. She finished about five minutes ago." Seeing that Tina was still asleep because she hadn't responded to his words he sighed and slid the thermos of her coffee that Ray had made earlier towards her. "By the way, if you don't leave in about seven minutes you'll probably be late for school." At these words the brunette became slightly awakened.

"Shit. Thanks, Carlos. And don't say this word around dad!" She ruffled his hair. "Is Julie in the studio?"

"Yeah, I mentioned that few seconds ago."

The girl blinked at him a few times in surprise, but quickly pulled herself together and bid him farewell. On the way to the studio, Tina pulled her cell phone out of the back pocket of her jeans and texted Silas about not forgetting about Dorcas, hoping she hadn't texted it too late. Fortunately, a few seconds later as she walked through the gate leading towards the garage he texted her back that he just turned onto their friend's street. Sighing in relief she locked her phone and stuffed it into the back pocket of her jeans. As she walked down a few steps, she looked at the tips of her shoes so she wouldn't accidentally trip on something and fall over. When she finally descended the last step she lifted her gaze to the studio door and seeing the three boys she let out a quiet squeal.

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