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Tina spent the rest of the classes wondering how the whole school could have seen the boys on stage with Julie. While she could somehow comprehend the fact that Julie and she could see ghosts, the whole school seeing them? It didn't make any sense at all. Aside from the fact that she didn't believe in ghosts until a few days ago, spirits aren't likely to be visible to many people, are they?

When she finished school she and Silas went to a DVD rental store. There they talked about Dorcas, Julie's performance and many other things. At one point they even sent Dorcas a performance of the younger Molina, and the girl texted back "that was legitness" to which the two friends laughed. Because there were only a few customers they turned on one of the Star Wars movies on the laptop of a student who was also working that day. All three watched and acted out scenes familiar to many with big smiles.

At the same time, Flynn crept along Molina's house to Julie's window. She didn't understand why her best friend lied to her and couldn't just tell the truth. They always told each other everything — the smallest and stupidest things, as well as the biggest secrets. That's why she couldn't understand why Julie lied about the cute boys from "Sweden". Was she overreacting by throwing eggs at a Puerto Rican girl's window? Probably. But all she could think about in that moment was Julie's lie and how it hurt her.

"Flynn!" The dark-skinned girl jumped slightly not expecting anyone to notice her. "What are you doing here? I've been looking all over for you."

"Not everywhere, 'cause here I am."

"I've been texting you all day. The least you could have done is text me back."

She took her backpack off her shoulder and moved towards Julie. "I sent a poop emoji. I think it said everything." She sighed and pulled a white T-Shirt out of her backpack. "I was just leaving this. I won't need it anymore." She extended it towards her friend.

"I'm not taking it."

"Fine. Then my dad can wash his car with it, though all this betrayal on it might scratch his paint." And she started tucking it back into her backpack.

"Look, I'm very sorry for not telling you. But I-I need you to know how important you are to me. There's no way I would've made it through this year if it wasn't for you." Flynn lightly scoffed at her words.

"Yet it was three strangers who got you back into music. I don't need someone in my life who lies and keeps things from me and you know why. Goodbye, Julie." She said with teary eyes and moved toward the street, but Julie quickly stopped her.

The younger Molina began explaining how the boys in the band are ghosts and when they play together they are visible to others. Flynn, of course, did not believe her and only began to feel even more hurt that Julie was not telling her the truth. But when the girl kept talking about ghosts she began to worry about her, so she pulled out her phone.

"Who are you texting?"

"Your dad. He told me to text him if I was worried about you. And, um... I'm worried. You're seeing things, Jules." As she finished typing a message to Mr. Molina, Julie snatched the phone from her hand.

"All right. So you wanna be difficult? Meet me in my mom's studio in 30 minutes, and I'll prove to you that I'm not crazy. And please don't text my dad."

"You have 30 minutes." She replied dryly.

Julie glanced toward the backpack that lay on the ground by Flynn's feet. "Eggs? Why did you bring eggs?"

"Oh! Um... No." She quickly slipped the eggs into her backpack with an awkward chuckle. "No. See, I grabbed those by mistake. It's not like I was gonna throw them at your bedroom window or anything." Julie sighed and went into the studio's direction. "Thirty minutes! Go."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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