Reinvent - A.M.

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Give a girl a boy's name and she'll act like one... For most of her childhood and teenage years, in Sam's case.

"What? I never expected our old little tomboy to get hot in one fucking summer."


So... New story. Um, Yeah. I really don't know what to say. For a while, these updates maybe really slow, because I am having a few medical issues right now and I'm trying to figure them out.

This is @IndirectACM 's idea, but she gave it to me, so full credit for that goes to her. The quote is also hers. But everything else belongs to me. The title, words, plot line, and everything else are my original thoughts, so please don't copy them or I will hunt you down and hurt, or possibly, kill you. I have my ways. HAHAHAHAHA. I'm kidding, but please don't steal this stuff from me. I will take legal action.

There will be swearing and some stuff that isn't appropriate for kids younger than 13, so if you're under that age, this is your warning. Take it to heart.

Oh, the chapter's will be in "present day" for Sam, which means her senior year is 2013-2014. One year ago means 2011 or 2012, I'll specify. I'm writing this in 2015 so... bare with me

Um, I like to get feed back, good or bad, so don't hesitate to tell me anything. I don't invisible readers so show your selves. Vote, comment, talk to me, all that shit.

My chapters are normally 1500 to 3000 words. As soon as I get better, I usually update every three days or so. My A/N's aren't usually this long, I think, but sometimes I rant a little just so y'all know what's happening in my life.

Yeah, I think that's about it.



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