Chapter II

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From the moment we heard the queen was pregnant,

It did not seem like nine months.

But here I am helping the midwives.

And then we hear a little cry.

She is here.

I will say,

She is a beautiful child.

I can see she will have red hair.

The queen holds her,

Like she is all she has.

But the queen has gleam in her eyes,

That says what have I done.

Was she wrong to have a daughter?

Why didn't she have a son?

But at least she has a child.

A beautiful one.

Then the king walks in to the room.

The queen has named her Elizabeth.

After her mother, and the king's mother.

"If we can have healthy daughter, we can have a healthy son."

Then he walks out of the room.

He didn't even hold her.

The queen starts to cry.

Oh, this poor woman.

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