Chapter 1

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Just before the Cell games started I knew something was wrong. I guess you could call it my raw instincts. I tried to warn my family about it but they once again thought I was crazy since I've felt this kind of sign before. Shortly after, the TV would state that a monster was sucking the life out of anyone it sees. I bought a bunker capsule from Capsule Corp and placed it in our basement. Everyone thought I was crazy, they said that the cell monster wouldn't come for our city, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. After one more plead with no response I locked myself in the bunker and waited for it to be over. The bunker came with everything I needed as well as a TV. Every hour more and more people fell, and when the TV mentioned my cities name I knew my family wouldn't be making it. Days past and soon what the monster called the "Cell Games" began. I remember being up close to my tv, Mr. Satan didn't fight instead it were these men. The one fighting Cell was a man in a orange gi with spiky blonde hair, it looked like lightening. I was memorized by their fight, how someone like this could exist was outstanding. Seven other men were on the side watching, one stood out to me though. A man who's skin was as green as tree, pointy ears and a white cape with shoulder pads. As the man in the orange ji screamed, a blast of power came off of him then the camera shut off and the tv went to static. I don't know what the rest of the fight was about but I'm positive it had to do with those eight men, not Mr. Satan.

A week had past and I went out of my bunker and upstairs. Everyone was back, maybe my family hadn't died after all? But that wouldn't make sense for the rest of the cities and the amount of death the tv stated-

"Y/N?" I was interrupted with my thoughts when one of my family members called out my name. "Are you okay? You haven't been out of the basement all week." "All five days." Another member corrected making me let out a soft laugh. "All five days" the other responded tiredly and sarcastically. "Yeah..I'm..Im good" I smiled, still shaken up but was relieved to see them all again. They started talking to themselves again while I began to think. That man in the orange gi, he was incredible. Every punch he threw looked so powerful and his legs had that much strength to them. He flew! Then he did some blue energy thing out of his hands. What was it that he said when he did it? A smile was rapidly growing on my face. "So cool.." I muttered to myself catching the attention of my family. "What was that Y/N?"one of them asked me, "Huh? Oh nothing, I'm just uh I'm gonna head out!" I spoke with a smile, I ran to the door pulling my satchel, filled with my phone, money and other important things, off the coat hanger, swung it around my shoulder and went out the door.

I took in a deep breath of clean non bunker air and looked around. Cars flew in the air in orderly fashion and kids with their parents walked beside the streets. It was if the Cell monster never existed. I unbuckled my satchel and pulled out my Capsule Corp phone. With the technology we have I was able to connect to the tv in the bunker and replayed the Cell Games news report. I rewinded it to the close up of the man fighting Cell. He's the reason we're all safe now, I know it. I want to be just like him, I want to be able to protect my family when I get that sense of danger again. Though it's not like I'll be able to just find him and ask him to teach me. I fast forwarded the video to the moment when we saw the other men watching the fight. I focused on the green man, something about him made me attached "I bet it'll be just as hard to find any of them really." I pouted somberly but then shook my head. No, no time to feel sad, guess I'll just have to learn by myself. They are human after all so it can't be that hard. I reminded my myself then headed to a forest nearby where I'd be able to train.

Now I've never actually quote on quote "trained" before but I have a good idea on what to do. I went deep into the woods, luckily we don't have any dinosaurs around us and there aren't any animals I can see. I placed my hands on hips and smiled "I got this. Now, where to start." I opened my satchel and pulled out a capsule. I pressed the button on the top then threw it onto the ground. A cloud surrounded the capsule then out popped a camera stand firmly sitting on the ground. I placed my phone on the stand so I could see it when I'm training. I rewinded to the beginning of the fight. I paid close attention to his fight style, he has no hesitation and no time to waste. After one punch he's already thrown another. I looked at the tree in front of me then back at the phone. I mimicked his fight stance, placed my left foot slightly behind my other crouching slightly and my arms copying my legs. "He screams too, guess that helps." I took in a deep breath and imagined the tree as Cell. "HAH!" I pushed my full force into my punch but at a split second hesitated but that didn't stop my punch. My fist hit the tree and...

"AAH!" I screamed in pain as it rapidly went through my body. I fell down holding my wrist on the brink of tears. My knuckles were scratched and bleeding. I gritted my teeth as I tried holding in my scream. "Owowowow" I looked back at my phone still playing "He made it look way to easy.." I whimpered taking a short break before I get back up again.

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