Chapter 2

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"HAH!" I yelled hitting the tree, there was now a indent from where I've kept hitting. Bandages were now on my knuckles, the bandages coming from capsules in my bag. I punched with my other hand but I already worn out my other to punch again. "And then" I looked back at the video with the blonde man he was now using his legs to hit Cell. "How can anyone kick someone that high with so much force?" I frowned before getting back in my stance. "Hah!" Kicking my leg up, I barely scratched the bark but I did get my leg up higher thanks to my stance. "Not straight enough, plus it wouldn't even do anything." I sighed then walked over to the stand and held my phone. I skimmed through the video dragging the button along. "I can get the punches but not the legs, let's not even talk about the flying." While I was examining the video something blocked the sun but only for a short bit. "Huh?" I looked up to the sky, tilting my head back and forth but there wasn't a cloud in sight and the leaves couldn't have blocked that much. I wonder for a bit before shrugging it off and got back to the video.

I skimmed to the part with the blue light that came from his hands. I turned up the volume and tried to listen closely to what he was saying. "Kaaa Mee" I looked at his moves to know what to do then continued to listen "haaa mee...HA!" as soon as he says the final Ha the blast is shot. I rewatched the seen a couple times before thinking I had it. I jump up and down to shake off my nerves, I shake my head back and forth and let out a sigh. "Alright, get ready tree." I cracked my neck then got back in my stance but with my left foot a bit further. I shift my arms to my left side connecting my hands' wrists to each other while curling my fingers. "KaaaMeee" I speak slowly with confidence in my voice though I notice there isn't any blue light coming from my hands. I try to ignore it "HaaaMeee!" I stare daggers into the tree ready to deliver, but a quick glance to my non blue hands makes me give up. Sighing I drop my hands and look towards my phone getting out of my stance.

"You did it wrong." "AH!" I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice from behind me. I immediately turned around to face someone I never thought I would. It was the green man from the Cell Games! While I was breathing slowly from being scared I was able to get a better look at him than I did from my phone. He wore a white turban with purple on the top, and the white cape with shoulder pads. His gi was a dark purple with a light blue obi around his waist along with pointy orange shoes. His skin was a pleasant shade of green though on his arms there were pink patches on his arms and presumably on his legs. His arms were crossed and he didn't look very amused. "A..ah.." my heart started to pound though I don't know if it was because I was scared or flustered. Oh come on Y/N you're making a fool out of yourself!

I bowed towards him keeping my eyes on the ground. "I'm sorry're one of the people who defeated The Cell monster" I looked up to him "right?" "What's it to you?" His voice was so threatening but I hoped that wasn't his personality. I snapped myself out of my thoughts a slight blush of embarrassment. "Ah!" I looked back to the ground "I..I would like to be trained into fighting like you guys. The TV cut out when I was watching so I didn't see the ending but the fight I did see was incredible. I want to fight so I can protect my family if this ever happens again. ..please?"

I waited in silence, a sweat drop dripping off my face. The wind blew gently which calmed my rapidly beating heart as well as swayed the mans cape slightly. I moved my eyes up curiously so I could see him while still bowing. Our eyes made contact and I immediately looked back down. What's he thinking? I wondered before "So." He started gaining my attention and making me stand up straight. "You survived Cell's attack?" I nodded my lips too tight with tension to talk. He closed his eyes with his head tilted down. He hummed then spoke "Hmp, that at least makes you smarter than most humans.." There was something going inside his mind, I just wish I knew what it was. "..Fine." His response left me awe-stricken before I let out a gasp and smiled brightly. "You mean it?! You'll really train me?!" I got up close to him but he didn't flinch or back up a bit. I held my hands together in front of my chest with a stupid smile on my face. "If you're lucky I won't be." He then turned around and started to walk away. "Ah, hey wait!" I went to grab my stuff, shoved them into my satchel then put it on before catching up to him.

He walked for a bit, I couldn't tell where to but he looked confident in it. Before we started any training I wanted to get something out of the way first. "By the way, what's your name?" "You'll find out soon enough." He then stopped and got down on his knee, his back still facing me. "Get on." I blinked a couple times, perplexed by his command. I then got reminded of orange gi man when he was flying. Maybe he was going to fly me somewhere. I slowly placed my hands on his shoulder pads, a light blush spreading on my face.


In an instant we were in the air, I let out a scream as I wrapped my arms around his neck hopefully not choking him. I watched as the ground below me got smaller and smaller. I heard a soft hmph from him, him cracking a small smile. "Hold on" He instructed. "Y-yeah! I wasn't thinking of letting go!"

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Inspired Human (Piccolo x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें