All By Myself

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It's been close to six months since I've moved out on my own, and here are some things I've learned since.

1. I have a strong dislike for cumin, possibly only enjoyable in very small doses. If you think I'm crazy, try this recipe and let me if you like it.

2. The dryer lint buildup is real. Maybe because I have a smaller dryer (condo dweller), but it's crazy. I don't even put in full loads, so if anyone has suggestions on how I can reduce dryer lint, let me know down below.

3. I fully intended to use good old water and soap to wash my dishes. This lasted about a week. I now use my dishwasher religiously, and my hydro bill isn't anything unreasonable. It's actually under what I expected.

4. Although I don't clean often, when I do, I find it like a cleansing of the soul. That being said, I feel immediately saddened after-the-fact because I know dust will start forming and I will be living with multiple bunnies soon.

5. Baking Powder. I asked my coworkers what they do with their baking powder after a month in the fridge. They let me know that I don't need to put the whole box in. Just pour some into a jar, leave it in for a month, pour it out into my sink, and repeat. Thanks Jing_Jing and maria

6. I never understood the Netflix craze, but living on my own...Netflix is life. Recommendations? Please put down below.

7. Cooking is fun, but not done often. I cook around once per week, and my recipes are generally pulled off the YouTubes or even Buzzfeed.

8. I like inviting friends & family over, but I get nervous when they start eating. Everything moves in slow motion when I see crumbs escaping their mouths and onto my floor or furniture, or their oily hands touching multiple objects.

9. Having a closed Facebook group for the condo residents (also run by condo residents) is incredibly helpful. It's also, more often than not, a big bitch fest as well. When you put hundreds of people together who only know each other over the interwebs, it is inevitable that disagreements will break out and there will be an oversharing of one's self. I just grab popcorn, and turn off my netflix in times like this.

10. As any first-time mover, I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to do to my place to make it my own. Pictures, some mirrors, maybe painting, etc. I have done nothing. and I don't see me doing anytime soon. It's way more satisfying to eat, sleep, watch netflix, or chill with friends than to add my "personality" to my home...right now.

Well, that's all for now. Let me know what were you experiences like moving out on your own for the first time. What did you learn? Scary? Exciting?

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