A visitor

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A/N- Hey guys, I'm taking a break from my other story for a while, I started this one! I have loads of ideas! The story is basically about a 11 year old muggle girl from India. What, I feel like there are not enough Indians in the story and there are enough British people. Anyway, the girl is really really strong in magic, she is a born metamorphmagus, a born Animagus (you will know later on which one it is), can do super strong wandless magic, and can do more cool things too, and has no friends because she is 'abnormal'. Any way, ON WITH THE SHOW!!!

Also, Amma means mother in Tamil (it is my home language)

"Cock - a - doodle - doo!" My mom cawed through the door.

"Uggg" I groaned, "Leave Amma, I'm tired!"

"Get up!" she said "There is someone outside to see you"

"Gah" I said, my dreams of sleeping in crumpling. "Fine, I'll be out in a few minutes!"

I got up, tossing the sheets on the bed properly and fluffing my pillow. I changed my hair from a neon blue that I had when sleeping into a normal brown and braided it. Then, I quickly showered and dressed in a long dress.

I ran downstairs, skidding to a stop at the living room

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I ran downstairs, skidding to a stop at the living room.

Here, my mom, dad, and our guest was seated.

I stared at him. He was very tall, had silvery cloth around him, and had a long silver beard.

I just couldn't stop staring.

I snapped out of my trance and sat on a couch. "Namaskar!" I said.

The man waved hi.

"Hello" he started "I might scare you a little today but I feel that it is necessary. You are a witch Diya."

I smiled gently. "That is a good joke sir. Now, what did you really want to tell me?"

It was his turn to smile. "I am serious my dear Diya, you are a witch. Remember that time when your hair turned red when you were angry with that bully in the playground?"

I nodded, astonished how this man knew. "Am I really a witch?" I asked.

He nodded. "See, there is something called the wizarding world. The world is a wonderful land of magic, witches, and wizards. The world has many schools, one is Hogwarts, located in England. I believe it is one of the most suitable schools for you. You will have to go abroad and stay there. You can also choose to have your parents move there too or you can come back every break."

"Hmmm," I murmured, "I want to go to Hogwarts but, my parents can choose what they want."

"She is going to go, she can learn magic as long as she comes and visits us on break!" my mom said, happy.

"Ok!" I smiled. 

"Word of caution, we are not allowed to show magic to muggles or those who don't have magic. They will bother us to no end. I'm sure you remember some such incidents. This is why I urge you to keep the magic you learn to yourself." the man said. "Oh, I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore, that is a very interesting name. I think that I will come to Hogwarts with you! I would love to learn magic and how to control it too."

"Then it is settled. You are coming to Hogwarts." Dumbledore said. "Few things first, you are a muggle born. This means that your parents are both people who don't have magic. There are half bloods, one of their parents are magical and the other is not, there is pure blood, both parents are magical. Now, some pure bloods think that people like you are terrible. However, this is not true. When you get to Hogwarts, some of those purebloods will mock you. Other purebloods may be friends with you. These are known as blood traitors, they don't care about blood. Don't not worry too much though, you can be friends with anyone and everyone if you try."

"Also, bring  107,510 rupees with you on August 25, meet me at Radha road, I will be there at 3 pm." With this, he bowed gently, turned on his heel, and with a loud crack, disappeared.

A/N = So, how was it? I'm working on new chapters. Please comment and vote if you want. Now, translations.

Diya, adamaari paakakoodadu = Diya, don't stare like that

Seri ma = Ok mum

Namaskar = Hi

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