Kotaro's mission....Eggs?

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Kotaro POV

I'm sitting in Yukio classroom.Bored.Today they left for Kyoto,leaving me all alone.Sigh.Suddenly..POOF! A letter puff in front of me,causing me to fall back in my chair,hitting the floor,hard."Ow." I whine getting up.I snatch the paper and start reading."A-A A MISSION!!"I cheers leaping for joy. Suddenly a little white wolf with red markings appears in front of me,bowing. "Lady Aku-" "SHUSH!!!Don't call my real name so loudly.Just call me Kotaro for now,K Chibiterasu." I smile."As you wish,Kotaro."he say turning into his human form."We're going on a mission." I cheers.His a tail ,shaped like a calligraphy brush,wags behind him as he smiles. "I'll be glad to accompany you."

"Let's go now!" I shouts grabbing his hand and rush out the classroom."So..what is the mission,Kotaro?" asked Chibiterasu."Hehe taking down a demonic Boar that's being a big bully."I explain with a smile. We finally reached the forest and a village called 'Terra" which is next to the forest.I look around the village with my arms behind my neck. "My lady,we should ask the villager about the boar?" he whispers in my ear. "Yep,you're right."I smile walking up to a house. A young woman answers. "Hello there.We're the exorcist send here to take care of that bully problem."I explains giving them a thumbs up. "Wah!" she screams slamming the door in my face."HEY!DON'T TREAT LADY KOTARO LIKE THAT!" roars Chibiterasu clenching his fist. "Oh calm down.Its OK." I smile. "Stupid humans.They need to know there place." he growls walking to the next house with me.I knock again and a man answers. "Hello there.Know anything about a wild boar?" I ask. He glares and slams the door in my face,hitting my nose. "That's it!!NO ONE TREAT THE MISTRESS IN THIS MANNER!" roars Chibiterasu as his two tails spike up from him.He rips the door open and grab the man by the neck.He roughly pins the man against the wall snarling. "Chibiterasu." I asy calmly walking towards him.He snarls in the guy's face as he shivers in fear. Chibiterasu looks back at me as I give him a death glare that sends a shivery fear down the demon's spine."Chibiterasu,calm down.You know how I feel about demon-human conflict.Now put the nice man down,Ok?" I smile at the end. "Y-Yes Mistress." he shivers in fear placing the man down as his tails disappear.He steps back behind me with his head down. "You know you don't have to call me 'mistress' just because your mom told you to.Just stick to Kotaro,k?' I hug him,making him stop shivering.

I walk up to the man. "Ok sir.Can you tell us about the wild demon?" I ask nicely. He shakes his head. "Not here,t-they could be w-watching."he whispers in my ear.Ok then.SO we follow him into a hidden tunnel which lead to a underground bunker. "Uh,cozy." I say as we take a seat. "Ok here's the thing.The boar is being controlled.Like someone is commanding it." he starts. "Uh uh.Continue." I say."So some of the villager been disappearing everything the boar appears and when some come back...they're not human.They turned into zombies..or  a new type of ghoul." he continues. I nod as Chibiterasu sulks about losing his temper. "One question. Where and when does this Boar come out?" I ask.

"Um..that's two questions." he says with a dumbfounded expression. Chibiterasu growls and the man flinches. "Chibiterasu." I warn.I turn my attention back to the man. "Sorry for my friend's action.But do tell me.We might not look it but we're exorcist and we'll fix the problem." I say."R-really?But so young." he says with concern.I believe he thinks we're lying. "Sigh alright it shows up around the afternoon,sunset.it appears out from the mysterious mist.There's no telling where it'll come it appears at random." he explains. I nod as I stand up. "That's all the info I need.Thank you for your support and I already placed a protection seal on your house.Your family that's hiding in the storage room behind you will be safe,so no need to ambush us.Or that axe you're hiding behind your back."I smile turning around. "WAH!" Chibiterasu and the man gasp at my knowledge. "H-How did you know?" the man shivers taking a step back."Hehe an exorcist never reveals their secrets." I giggle with my index finger on my lips while walking upstairs.Chibiterasu rushes after me. "Mistress how did you know?" he ask. "Well he was nervous and I saw it shinning when we sat down.Besides he kept eyeing the door to the storage this whole time and I smell them behind there.A little boy and a woman." I explain while walking through the village.Soon all the villagers rush inside as the sun started going down and Chibiterasu stands very close to me in defense.

Suddenly mist starts to fill the whole area. "Get ready,mis-I mean Kotaro." he says sliding out his dagger.I nod stepping in the center of the village.I sense a presence charging towards me from behind. I jump high into the air. "Bow 001"I mutter as a butterfly like bow flashes into my hand. I pull back on the string and a bow made of dark energy forms and I release,hitting my target right in the shoulder.The boar  roars and rams its tusk towards that guy's house."Dang it.CHIBITERASU!" I call.He nods as his fist lights up and he punches the boar's side so it crashes into a tree.I land on the roof and the bow sparkles into petals,flying away. "That..was too easy."I comment cocking my head to the side. "KOTARO!LOOK OUT!" shouts Chibiterasu as he jumps behind me.Blood splats on my cheeks...Chibiterasu's blood,I snap around with shock as I see a ghoul human with a dagger though Chibiterasu's chest. "CHIBITERASU!" I cry as he coughs up blood.Grrr.Black butterflies surrounds my hand forming a dark claw and I brutly slash the thing to shreds.Then that boar jumps up and I summon Iblis's soul weapon,his reolver, and aim as a swam of them form into a ball at the end of the gun. "Kasai Yume!"I chant blasting the attack.The attack the blasted the boar into dust.I  pant as I look back to Chibiterasu,I crash to my knees.Putting up those barriers made me weaker..I need to eat some nightmares.Soon a army of those things start marching in with other demons.I weakly stand up holding my shouder,panting while Yukio's dual pistols flash into my hands. "It's ok,A wound like this from a normal blade is nothing.Now please rest.Leave everything to me,Kotaro."Chibiterasu demands standing up as 7 tails sprout out.He's serious.I nod sitting down.

While Chibiterasu was doing his thing,I spot two ghoul things coming out of a house with two eggs in their hands.Huh?Demon eggs no doubt.That can't be good.I jump down and stood in their way. "Hand it over." I demand. The first ghoul thing charges towards me swing its fist.I swiftly dodge and spin kick him through the bakery. Oops,oh welll.I charge and speed past him with my claws.I grin as blood splash out and he throws the eggs into the air as he explodes.I leap into the air and grab them and land on the rooftop.Right there I find a badge whose symbol looks familiar.Chibiterasu meets up with me,still having blood on his cheek. "All done..huh?Where did the eggs come from?" he ask. "No where." I smirks leaning closer to him. "But I have an idea as to what eggs they are." I smirk licking the blood of his cheek.He blushes as I took that time to swifly place the eggs into his arms. "So you carry them." I smiles walkin away. "Uh..HUH!?B-But K-Kotaro!" he calls rushing after me. "HEY VILLAGERS,YOU'RE FREE!" I shout with a smile before we took off.

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