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Namjoon turned his back on Taehyung looking out the window "It's not my fault you lost control over your anger you wanted to go against him you shouldn't get so angry it was just a match"

"Just give me back the knife! I went into a lot of trouble just to get one of those" Taehyung said stepping towards him Namjoon sighed turning around to face him "I'm not giving you shit back you choked and almost stabbed him Taehyung. I suggest you wait until he passes the test—

"Fuck! So you're really trying to make him one of us? I'll never accept him you should know that!" He turned his heel and walked out the room

Namjoon was getting really tired of him there's no way or form that he'll ever get over him or along with Jimin once he becomes part of the group

Throughout the day Namjoon was home doing nothing but watching a show on tv with Seokjin the others went out to do other things including Jimin who went with Jungkook to do something

It was starting to get dark Seokjin went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the boys Namjoon went to his room to pick out something to wear he didn't have any fancy clothes he picked out simple black jeans and a black long sleeve that showed off his muscles

Soon he heard voices Namjoon stayed in his room and ate alone Seokjin would check on him in case he wanted more

After that everyone usually goes to sleep or goes out Jimin was in his room looking at his reflection he was wearing ripped jeans that Jungkook let him borrow and a plain oversized black shirt

Is this good enough? Or do I need something fancy?

He ran his hands through his hair thinking he should do something to it until he heard a knock on the door

Jimin turned off the light from the bathroom then went to answer the door Namjoon was standing there

"Are you ready?" He asked stepping inside to close the door behind him Jimin nodded wrapping his arms around him as Namjoon placed his hands on his hips leaning down for a kiss

"You look really good and smell good" Namjoon said Jimin whispered a small thank you before removing his hands from him

They walked out of the apartment together and got inside Seokjin's car Namjoon made sure no one was around being suspicious before driving off

The car ride was silent but the music was playing in the background Jimin didn't feel awkward it was nice having this time to themselves. He was looking out the window watching every thing they passed by Namjoon would steal a few glances seeing how beautiful his skin shined in the moon

When they got to there Jimin couldn't keep his eyes off the ferris wheel he's seen it on books and on tv but he's never gotten a chance to look at it up close

Namjoon parked the car and got off to open the door for Jimin they went to the line and got tickets

"Where do you want to go first?" Namjoon asked

Jimin looked around he wanted to try all the rides and types of foods "Let's go to that one first" he pointed and Namjoon took his hand locking fingers the younger blush at the sudden action

That's right he took Seokjin's advice before coming here it was a whole lesson of do's and don't's

That night the two went on rides, ate different foods played the fair games Jimin was having so much fun it made Namjoon happy to see him smile

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