Chapter 15: The Doppelganger

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"Out of the way." Camille shoved Frank aside, shedding his guarded proper veneer, and squinted into the darkness. You rose too, albeit on shaky gelatinous legs, and followed suit, finding upon arrival at the window that Camille was equally as stupefied as his assistant had been. His gaze borrowed yours out into the night air. On the gravel road beyond the barbed wire fence, lined up between overgrown patches of grass and weeds, a figure stood, silhouette shrouded in black with the city lights to his back. The man was far enough away from the compound that you couldn't pinpoint who he was, but somehow he awoke a feeling of familiarity within you. You knew one thing: it certainly wasn't Vito. Castellano was muscular but he wasn't that muscular. (And the fact that he was dead definitely added some endorsement to your conjecture.)

"You didn't say you'd have the exchange here, Camille." Frank blurted stupidly, earning a warning glare from his superior. Afterwards he straightened, returning to his default collected demeanor.

"Alert the rest of the crew of this so they can go investigate. But first, find Butcher. Tell him to come to the top of the stairs and await further instruction." You didn't know who Butcher was, but you assumed him to be the Enhancer that severed your arm. You internally grimaced.

"Yes, boss." The assistant moved swiftly to carry out his order, only to halt when Camille spoke his name once more.

"And Frank... Tell them not to let their guard down..."

A few long moments passed in a stalemate of sorts. The man on the road did not approach, nor did the men outside get too close. You heard voices rise up in the distance, far off but still distinguishable.

"Boss, is that you?!" Frank hollered. There was no answer. More muffled still was the cautious crew shooting glances at each other, questioning in low tones.

"Is that him?"

"Can you tell?"

"I can't see. It's too dark."

"Say something!" Another one shouted to the brawny man. The tension escalated from the prolonged silence, filling the air with a buzz of unease. It was then the man pulled an item from his pocket.

"Freeze! Hands in the air!" You watched as the unnerved henchmen drew their guns. From this distance you couldn't identify the item in the false Vito's hand, but it obviously wasn't a weapon. It looked flat and small, like a notepad. It wasn't until he lifted his arm with a writing utensil that something struck you within. The flourish of his wrist! The artistic undertones! You knew who it was!

"Oooo'er the hills where pikos do fly,

green plumage paints the skyyyy,

The merchant's daughter, the blower's son,

Red feeling in their eyeesss.~"

"What are you doing?"

"I just realized this room has lovely acoustics. Wouldn't you agree?" You smiled wryly at him and Camille curled his lips in response, knowing your behavior was highly suspicious, but choosing to be annoyed with it rather than wary or threatened. If Basho was here you were certain Melody and Kurapika were too. The compound was vast, and even with her apt hearing it would be difficult to distinguish your heartbeat through thick concrete walls. And you also weren't walking around in a manner that would allow her to identify your footsteps. Your voice was the quickest way to alert her to your location.

"Twelve o'clock hour the bobstay sways,

Afloat amidst the tiiides,

Trials forsaken, their journey awaits,

Kurapika/Reader: Twelve StepsWhere stories live. Discover now