Chapter 7: Sentimental Scarlet

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"You keep sighing, Pika." Your fingers halted their movement across the ivory keys, ceasing the string of notes floating on the air.

"Sorry. Am I bothering you?" If you were being honest his restless aura was starting to set you on edge, but you knew why he was feeling this way, and you empathized.

"No." You moved to sit near him on the bed and he curled his legs up to make space for you. "I know waiting is the hardest part... but cheer up, okay? This is a good reliable lead. I know they'll get back to us soon." The two of you had requested a profile from the Hunter Association's archives, the man from the fortune whose name was Salvatore Gambino. As a mobster, his information was private and guarded, took digging. After paying the Association for its services, all that was left to do was wait for the data to be sent. But, as you'd become well aware of by this point, patience was not Kurapika's forte. "How about something to take your mind off it? There's a chess board in that cabinet over there." His lips curled slightly at the suggestion. "Mm. Okay. ...Want me to make you some tea?" He finally looked up with a little glint of indulgence in his eyes.

"Would you? I'd really hate to ask but-"

"Say no more." You held up a hand and grabbed your phone off the piano. "Be right back."

"Thank you, F/N." You were immensely surprised by Kurapika's quiet acceptance of your insistent generosity. He almost always put up a fight about being waited on, so this struck you as out of character for him.


You looked down at your phone as the elevator doors shut.

'Ah. That's why...'  You huffed through your nose in amusement when a hefty sum of money suddenly appeared in your direct deposit. You told him time and time again that your room and board was sufficient compensation for your help, but Kurapika just wouldn't take no for an answer. 'Dammit, when did he steal my bank account information?'  You shook your head. 'Freaking Hunters...'  Only Kurapika would perform such an underhanded act just so he could give you something. It struck you as rather cute- in an odd, illegal sort of way- and you realized you were smirking by the time you reached the first floor. Upon emerging you noticed a familiar figure on a bench near the front desk, surrounded by an obscenely large pile of shopping bags. She glanced up and you smiled.

"Melody, right?" As you approached you noticed some very prominent bags under her eyes. She nodded politely, as if it was all she had the energy to do. "Having a rough day?"

"Sometimes I feel like shopping with Neon is more tiresome than the Hunter Exam." You chuckled sympathetically.

"You poor thing. Want me to get you anything? I make a mean tea. Kurapika seems to really like it and he always struck me as the picky type."

"...Sure." She gave you a tired smile and you nodded.

"Okay. I'll grab the stuff." You hadn't actually expected her to take you up on that offer, but you returned nonetheless with two tea bags and two cups you already added water to.

"That's generous of you. Thanks very much."

"Yeah, well you looked like you could use a pick-me-up. And it's the least I can do." You shot her a cautious glance as you sat down. "Kurapika uh... told me your abilities. So I wanted to thank you for not saying anything before."

"No need to thank me." Her airy voice struck you as soothing somehow. "If you don't mind me asking... what is he to you? Since I already know you're not his secretary."

"We're co-applicants from the last Hunter Exam. I'm helping him hunt down nefarious people." She seemed to contemplate that for a moment, as if it was not quite the answer she was expecting. "Why do you ask?"

Kurapika/Reader: Twelve StepsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt