Part of a flashback.

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The turtles looked at me, as if I had two heads. Mikey looked scared, donnie look confused, Leo look disappointed, but Rapheal look impressed. "DAD," the turtles yelled in unison. I hung my head low as I could. "Yes," is all I could say.

"This is the last time YN," shredder yelled,"join me or die,"

"I would rather die, then to be close to you," I yelled back.

Shredder just shrugged. As soon as I blinked, he ran to me as he could.

I pulled two boulders out of the ground, and shot them at my father.

He swifty got out of the way, and hit me in the face.

I fell back with a thud. Before he could killed me I rolled over and turned into my wolf form.

I jumped on him and bite his neck. He howled put in pain. He charged out ate and pinned me to the ground.

He knocked me out, but again before he could do anything, Rapheal knocked him off of me.

"Raph stay here with YN, the rest of us will go and try to get shredder, "Leo said, running off.

I was knocked out, butI started to have a flashback about my family.

I was a little girl, and my family was the best. I was walking home from school, it was a long cloudy day. All of a sudden it started to rain. I pulled a out my F/C umbrella and began to walk again. A loud bang came and a sting came through my body and I fell to the ground. All I knew is that I could not move, or open my eyes.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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