A nightmare of a Thought

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Reverie: A state of being Pleasantly lost in your own thoughts.

Me and Draco was in his dorm cuddling like usual, I look over at Draco "Im going to sleep in my dorm and hang out with Hermione tonight." The happiness drops from his face. "Did I do something? At the manor, that was not" "No Draco, I just wanna hangout with Hermione." "Oh okay." Hermione overhears us from the outside and must have felt bad, she knocks on the door and I answer. "Yes Hermione?" Hermione looks at me "Hey...can we talk...outside..?" "Oh sure." I step out of the room and look at her "so what do you wanna talk about?" "You should sleep with Draco tonight, We can hang later." "You sure..?" "Im positive." I hug her "goodnight Hermione" "goodnight, you and Draco have a good time alright?" A laugh a little "alright!" I walk back inside "well Hermione had to cancel.." Draco looks at me "awh...why?" "Im not sure...but oh well." I walk over back to Draco's bed and lay beside him.

In the middle lf the night I wake up out of breath, I had a nightmare about Draco being gone. I slowly get out of bed but Draco pulls me back in down to him. "It's okay darling, your safe. You have me." He said in his sleepy voice. He kisses me and I rest my head on his chest, "I love you" was the last thing I ever heard before I fell asleep.

In the morning, me Hermione and Ron are eating breakfast in the grand hall. Harry walks over and sits down. "Hello Harry." Hermione said as she was cutting up her eggs. Harry didn't say a word or even eat. "You alright bud?" Ron looks at him and Harry nods a little. I look over at the slytherin table just to see Draco Staring at Harry with a death glare. I look back down at my food and eat a little, I wasn't very hungry.

Later that day Draco was gone, this was about the 4th hour of him being gone and I was pretty worried about him. I had no way of contacting him but to go look for him if he was even still here. Who knows where he would be. I sat on his bed and waited a little longer, but I was to tired to keep waiting for him. So I hopped into the shower, Until I heard the door open and slam.

"Draco..? Is that you?"

The bathroom door flys open and then Im pinned against the wall before I knew it. I looked infront of me, it was a Weasley twin. My mouth was covered so anything I said was muffled, I tried to scream but his hand pressed harder on my mouth. "Shh..now im not gonna hurt you. We are just gonna have some fun."

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