Another Accident

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After that, I couldn't stand. I had bruises all over me, and slash marks from his belt. I still don't know which twin it was, but I wanted to. I try to get up but I fall back down, I was to weak. I sat in the bathroom for 45 minutes balling my eyes out waiting for Draco, then the door opens.

"Darling..? Where are you?"


Draco runs over and opens the bathroom door, I look up at him sobbing. "What The Hell Happened?!"

-Draco's POV-

I looked at her, she was shaking, terrified. I pick her up.

"Darling what Happened..?"

"A..A Weasley Twin..."

"What did they do to you?"

She looks at me and Tears up, I know It was something bad just from the marks, but I needed to know what happened.

"I..I was r*ped..."

I stand there in shock, I didn't expect that. I walk out of the bathroom and set her down carefully.

-Normal POV-

Im still shaking, and crying. I try to wipe my tears and stop crying but I Couldn't. All of the pain didn't stop and only got worse, Not to mention that I could be pregnant with a Weasley. Draco Grabs my Hand and holds it, and Lean on him and he puts his arm around me.

"It will be okay my dear, I will take care of it."

I smile and hug him a little, I was still weak.

"Im going to get Hermione alright?"

I nod, Draco walks off and I'm sitting there. Pain, headache, barely remembering what had happened and again not even knowing which Weasley it was.. it could have been Fred or George....either one would be bad enough. Hell, it could be Ron, but I knew he wouldn't do such a thing because of Hermione. Soon enough, Draco and Hermione ran in and Hermione ran over to me and hugged me tight. It kinda hurt because she was putting pressure on one of my bruises, but I just hugged back and sat there hugging her. Then Ron ran in and looked at us, he looked at my bruises and stood there in shock. 

"Bloody hell...what happened to you?"

I didn't wanna tell him it was one of his brothers, so I just sit there in silence. 

"Just had a Little accident."

I laughed a little nervously, he seem to take it. If I did tell him it was one of his brothers, he would be more than hurt and I couldn't get the gut to tell him. So once again I just sit there in silence. "oh.." he said. Draco Grabs my hand and holds it tightly, I hold his and Hermione walks over with peroxide and other things. She cleans up the blood from my cuts, I don't even know how I got them in the first place. Besides, those twins are unpredictable. These past months have been more of a mess with Cedric and Draco and now this with the stupid twins. Hermione puts bandages on my legs to block off the bruises, the big ones. Draco helps me up and helps me walk to the bathroom to change into more comfortable clothes. 

Ron and Hermione had left and it was just me and Draco there in bed. Draco is softly rubbing my leg trying not to hit the bruises. I lean against him and smile. "You do know that I love you Darling..Right?" I look at him and nod. "I love you more.." I smile, he looks at me. "Oh is that a threat?" I look at him straight in his eyes. "take it as...If you ever leave me...I will probably kill you   or....just continue loving you." "Well that would never happen...Because I will never leave you."

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