The thoughts

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Hey guys! This is the first story I've written. Sorry if there are any Grammer mistakes I'm not the best writer. I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

Shrek saw a hill in the distance it looked oddly familiar. As shrek neared this hill he had a very familiar feeling but why? He got to the hill and closed his eyes and it clicked this is where him, Fiona, and Donkey had stayed on there way back to Lord Farquaad when they first met. He looked out at the sky and felt a hand on his shoulder, it was rough. He turned around and saw Fiona but she looked different. He couldn't tell exactly how but she looked evil almost. As he realized this she started to say something but it was gibberish, Fiona pulled her hand up and she had very sharp nails. Fiona took her hand and made a fat move right when her hand was about to hit Shreks face his eyes open. It was only a dream he looked over to his left and saw Fiona laying peacefully. It was only a dream he tells himself.
Shrek slowly lifts himself off his bed being careful to not wake Fiona. As he leaves the room he decides to go to the restroom he doesn't really need to go but wants to get a breath of fresh air.
When Shrek gets to the toilet his mind starts racing with thoughts. Why would you have that dream you idiot. Fiona the love of your life why would you see her like that. As he has these thoughts they slowly shift to Lord Farquaad, His enemy the person he hated with a passion God he hated him. As Shrek leaves the restroom he has a wave of sadness hit him with isn't unusual for him or happens quite often actually. Shrek looked out into his swamp before entering his house again and saw his sighns. GO AWAY! DO NOT ENTER! DO NOT PASS! He wondered why only for a split second why he had distanced himself from the world without giving them a chance. This is something Donkey asked him about frequently but he always changed the subject immediately. Maybe he should give them a chance just maybe. His thoughts started in again, God Shrek why why would you think that your such an idiot there all the same no of them like you they never will! Shrek had realized what an idiotic thought that was and entered the house to see Fiona making breakfast and they quickly said good morning to each other and shared a quick kiss.

Thank you for reading im not sure how often ill post but it will probably be
pretty frequent at least this week since I have nothing else to do.

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