jade gets drunk - pt 2

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Jade murmured contently, snuggling deeper into the warmth that encompassed her. For a few blissful moments, Jade felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. Then she felt the pain.


"It's way too early for that language, Jade." A voice laughed from beneath her.

Jade's eyes snapped open in horror as she bolted upright, only to moan in agony as her brain protested such sudden movements. Groaning, she placed her hands on her temple and for a few seconds attempted to control the nausea building in her stomach.

Beck, noticing the pain Jade was in (though it was entirely self-inflicted), quickly rubbed soothing circles on her back till she was able to look up again.

"Oh. My. God." Jade breathed in horror, looking into her Ex's eyes. She didn't know if she was brave enough to glance down and make sure she was fully clothed, but Beck sensing what she was thinking quickly explained,

"Listen, Jade. Nothing happened last night. You were just really drunk and didn't want to go home so I brought you here to sleep."

"And why the HELL were you sleeping with me?" Jade snapped viciously, her head still pounding as she looked at the sheets both her and Beck were still tangled in.

"You asked me to. You said you were cold." Beck meekly replied. He seemed a tad embarrassed now but stared back defiantly.

"You know what?" Jade snapped, ready to launch a verbal attack on him, but was distracted when the nausea building within her decided it wanted to make an appearance.

She only managed to whimper, quickly slapping a hand over her mouth, but it was enough for Beck to realise what was about to happen.

If there were ever a contest for the quickest leap to grab a garbage bin, Beck would have definitely won. Thankfully, Beck was able to grab a bin and place it under Jade just as she started retching. With his free hand, he pulled her hair back all the while trying to mutter soothing words.

If Jade had still been dating Beck, she would have found this sweet. She wasn't though. And she was pissed.

"Hey, you're alright." Beck consoles as Jade finally pushes the bin away and glares at him weakly as he hands her the glass of water he had set up the night prior.

"I am absolutely livid with you but my head hurts too much to yell right now." Jade feebly exclaims, attempting to express her fury through one piercing glare that would make most guys pee their pants. Good think Beck's not like most guys.

"Ahh, the silver lining." he jokes happily. Jade does not smile. Beck begins to frown, "Okay, we can talk later. Why don't you go shower and brush your teeth? Once we eat breakfast, I can give you some Advil." He suggests kindly, trying not to be irritating but Jade was still glaring at him.

"Don't tell me what to do," Jade mutters but begins to make her way over to the tiny bathroom in the corner of the RV. "I don't have a toothbrush, idiot." Jade snaps as she opens the bathroom door.

"Oh, I – um – never threw out your old one. It should still be there." Beck responds sheepishly, looking around wildly to avoid her fierce gaze.

Even in her hung-over, slightly deranged state, Jade can sense Beck's embarrassment. She couldn't help but feel slightly touched. She was certain that once Beck had dumped her, he would have destroyed any evidence of her being in his life. She didn't think he'd hold onto anything like she was (she still slept in his shirt every night at home).

In a rare moment of compassion, Jade chooses not to comment. She simply slips into the bathroom and grabs her toothbrush which sure enough is where it was always kept, next to Becks on the sink.

bade - intoxicated Where stories live. Discover now