beck gets drunk

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Why Jade had allowed her boyfriend to talk her into being designated driver tonight, she would never know. Beck had been oddly possessive since they got back together (just over a month ago now) and refused to let her attend any social event without him by her side. Jade suspected he was trying to curb her "drinking habit," epically as he seemed to mutter under his breath "no one takes advantage of my girl" every time he saw her looking at a party invite on theSlap. Hence, when she had told Beck she was going to attend her older cousin's party, not only had Beck insisted that he go with her, but he had also begged her not to touch any alcohol. It was, after all, a college party, and he was inclined not to trust older guys even more-so than the males his age.

Jade had attempted to protest, defending herself because, hello, she's pretty frickin capable of looking after herself. However, Beck only had to widen his eyes into his cutest puppy dog expression for Jade to crack and agree. Besides, she figured it wasn't worth an argument. She knows Beck worries about her being "too wild for own good" (courtesy of Cat Valentine who had planted this ridiculous idea in Beck's head), but Jade knew herself well.

She knows she likes to party, perhaps a little too much at times, but she was fairly level-headed and certainly not stupid. She wasn't worried about her occasional drink, but it upset Beck, so she was behaving. For now.

Still, Jade was insistent that at least one of them should have fun that night, and without Beck even noticing, she had continually refilled the cup in his hands throughout the evening. It had been so long since Beck had let loose that Jade had forgotten what tipsy Beck was like. Honestly, she hasn't even seen him piss drunk before so she was sort of curious to find out how he might behave.

It was by the time Beck was on his sixth cup (Beck somehow thought he was still only on his second) that Jade finally got to witness the emergence of intoxicated Beck. Jade had been engaged in conversation with her cousin about college preferences, when all of a sudden, she nearly jumped in shock. Beck's hand which had been resting on the small of her back as she spoke with her cousin had suddenly dropped down to her ass cheek where he gave it a little pinch.

Jade gasped in surprise, but seeing Beck's sly, smirking face and her cousin's confused expression, she did not react further. She just simply raised a coy eyebrow at Beck then without him noticing, handed him a new, full cup of alcohol to drink.

Tonight was definitely going to be interesting, that was for certain.

She hastily ended the conversation with her cousin as she felt Beck beginning to get restless, then took his hand and dragged him to a quiet corridor.

"Jadddeeeyyyy, you are so prrrreeeetttty." Beck sang sloppily as Jade pulled him behind her.

"Pathetic, Babe." She scoffed. "I wanted drunk Beck to be more amusing. You're just more handsy than usual."

"I'm not drunk." Beck protested loudly, then broke into a fit of giggles at Jade's disbelieving expression.

"Argh. Whatever, Kid." Jade sighed. "Look, I'm going to the bathroom. We should head off soon. This place sucks."

Beck nodded absentmindedly, then to Jade's surprise, picked up an abandoned cup of liquid and downed it in a few gulps.

"That's so nasty, Beck. You don't even know who that belongs to." Jade had cringed in disgust. Beck simply shrugged happily. Scoffing, Jade stomped away, leaving Beck to play with the empty cup in his hands.

If she had turned back at that moment though, she would have got to witness a truly unexpected sight. It seemed that the eighth drink was Beck's undoing, as suddenly, all the alcohol Beck had consumed that night appeared to hit him at once. Beck toppled back into the wall, the room was beginning to spin in dizzy circles causing him to lose his footing. Moaning, he called out for Jade. It was then he realised that she had gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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