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Once upon time, there was a dashing young prince. Well, atually, he wasn't a prince at all, he was a jester and in fact no one took him seriously because...well...he was a jester. Now there was another dashing young man in the kingdom, in fact he was a dashing young prince, well a knight to be exact. But he might as well be one, because the king treated him like a prince, so among the subjects of this very kingdom, he was...also considered a prince. That and well...his name was Diego, witch is one of the most princely names, ever (according to every female in the kingdom)

And as it turns out, they were both in love with the same girl, the jester and Diego. And since fate always has to have its way ( and a funny one at that), the girl was Princess Rosalinda de Las Santisimas Flores, or for short Princess Rosalinda. But unlike the jester, Diego had won over the king AND the princess. But in secret, Diego had not won over the princess at all in fact, in fact he never even tried to win her over, it was her father, the king, he had won over.

Well soon Diego and Princess Rosalinda were to be married. As soon as Diego had proposed, invitations were sent to everyone in the kingdom including the jester.

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