Chapter 5

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-??? P.O.V-

It was storming outside so I ran inside. When I entered the house, I saw y/n and Atreyu lying on the floor. I looked at them in confusion.

''What in the world are you two doing?''
I asked the two on the floor.

''H-hyung it's not what it looks like! We both got startled by the thunder and fell from the stairs!''
Atreyu quickly defended himself.

''I know, I heard you two fall from the stairs. Must have hurted a lot.''
I laughed at the two.

-Y/N P.O.V-

Atreyu and I got off the floor and this time I saw his face clearly.
''Wait aren't you the person who brought me back to the portal? Or am I just--''

''Yes, I did bring you back there, my name is Peter Pan. I guess you want to know more about this world.''
He asked, and I nodded.

''Let's go to the kitchen, grab a drink and we'll explain everything you want to know. And we can answer your questions.''
We went to the kitchen and together we sat down at the counter. Atreyu placed lemonade in front of us.

They were busy explaining about their live here when I asked A question that made their heads turn to each other, I couldn't read their expressions very well, so I had no idea what that meant.

''But where do you guys live, in your real life? And what are your names?''
I had asked.

They looked at each other like they've forgotten to tell me something very important about this world. Atreyu sighed and gave me an answer.

''We can't tell you our information, you have to do challenges for that, to gain information.''
He explained and I looked a little confused.

''All the boys who live here know each other in real life, so you have to do them with someone from us.''
Peter pan continued.

''I've already did the challenges so I can't do them again. We're the ones who come here the most with Gin and Syaoran, I have no idea if they've done it before.''
Atreyu looked at his brother.

''Well in that case I'll just do it with peter pan! That wouldn't be a problem, right?''
I asked him with a bright smile on my face.

''Well then let's start with the first thing we have to solve or do. How further we are in the 'game' the bigger information we can tell each other.''
I nodded happily and was ready to start.

Suddenly I felt a bad pain in my arm, I groaned in pain and looked at the others.
''I have to leave... Let's start the next time were here!''

We said our goodbyes and I quickly went back to the portal again. Luckily it didn't take me too long because of the few times I took this road. Back to earth.

-Renjun/Peter pan P.O.V -

''And there she has to go. Again...''
I sighed as I sat back down. Too bad she always has to leave this soon...

-Y/N P.O.V-

I opened my eyes again and saw I was back in my bedroom. I hurried downstairs and got ready for school again. I began late today because of a sick teacher. So, the time I arrived at school lunch break had already started. I went straight to my friends who were sitting together at a table.

''Our last lunch break together. I'm really going to miss you Kevin and Samuel.''
I said with a small sigh.

''y/n we will return too after the school year ends! That's July next year. We'll all meet up together again, we promise. Right Kevin?''

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