Chapter 12

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When peter pan went to the library I started to drift off into my own thoughts. Really, who could he be. I had no idea..
How could I ever find him? We don't know anything about each other, he practically only knows my name. That's it.
A few moments later he ran back into the bedroom with the big book levitating after him.

''It looks like you guys had a little accident. Didn't I tell you both to read my pages well. Peter pan, Y/N?''
The book said in a sassy tone and I looked down to my hands.

''Well, uhmm.. I did read it but-- uhh.. I was so happy that I forgot? At least we have the flower! let's go!''
I smiled sheepishly.

''Well in that case, put the rose in your page of the book, because it will teleport into the book and look like a picture. You want a pretty one, right?''
I nodded and grabbed the book out of the air, peter pan save grabbed the rose with gloves and placed in into the book.

When the rose touched the paper it looked like it just sank into the paper. It disappeared for a second and then came back as a pretty drawing like picture. When the picture was all clear I closed the book and it lit up a bright light. I looked at it in surprise meanwhile peter pan just looked like he saw that every day.

''Congratulations, since you guys completed this quest successfully one of you guys can reveal in which city they live. Choose smart..''
The book said.

''What shall we do, do you tell your city or do I say mine?''
I asked and he quickly responded.

''You can say it. I can't really, explain, where I live.''
I nodded.

''Well tomorrow I'm going to move into a dorm in Seoul with my best friend. So I'll be living in Seoul for a while.''

''Seoul? That's such a pretty city! Why did you move there-- Wait, don't answer I can't know or ask that.''

''If you answer this riddle correctly I will give you the chance to answer that question..''
The book suddenly said and we both nodded.

''The more there is, the less you see..''
We both looked at the book in confusion, we expected it to be a piece of cake but we were really confused.

Right then I started to feel dizzy again, when I looked at my arm I saw that it was slowly fading away.

''Looks like I've got to go again.. Take good care of yourself peter pan! I'll come back very soon, I promise!''
I waved him goodbye and faded away..

..Waking up again in my bedroom with a huge headache.. Must be the effect of that cursed rose. Then I heard my mother calling me.

''Y/N wake up! We're going to school! It's pretty late you know-- Sweetie what's wrong? You don't seem that well..''
She said as she walked into my bedroom. She walked to my bed and sat down beside me and took my temperature. When she saw it she looked a little shocked at me.

''You have a pretty high fever, 39,5. I think it's the best if you stay home for today.''
My mother said as she felt my forehead, which was warm too.

''Wait no! I can't stay home mom! I need to practice dancing at school with Somi. A company is going to visit today I really can't miss that chance!''
My mother slightly tilted her head
''Although they're mainly looking for boys, I really want to show my talent! Somi is working so hard to get me into a company, I can't let that go to waste..''

''You're not going anywhere you sick lady. I'll call school that you're sick in bed. Somi will understand as your best friend.''
I sighed and changed the subject.

''Mom don't you need to go to work? It's so special that I barely even know what you're even doing. So hurry up before you're too late.''

''Well I don't have to come to work today because, uh.. Something has happened and they don't need me today.''
I sighed once again..
''And I can't tell you about my job because it's for their privacy, I can't tell much about it. I'm sorry.''
My mother looked down and apologized, she just wanted the best for me. But these days she is so mysterious about her work that I just couldn't help but be curious.

𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐚 || 𝐍𝐂𝐓 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora