Chapter 1

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Patch didn't really get snow.

The picturesque island was located on a very idyllic part of Vale, the waters too shallow for most Grimm, the surrounding wilderness too harsh for any massive threats to traverse, but that was just the Huntsman in Qrow talking. It was quite perfect in so many other ways. In the spring, it was optimal for growing young delicate plants, the sun bright even while the air was still chilly. When th girls were little, he'd get dragged out to the garden to help Tai with the flowers. Yang would hang off his back and watch Ruby dig in the dirt to find a perfect spot for the seeds.

The summers were hot, but not unbearably so. The beaches would be swarmed with locals and tourists alike, and the small streets and charming shops would be buzzing with life and friendliness. Yang would always chat away with the waiters in the cafes, and sometimes they'd give her and Ruby a free chocolate or sweet. The sun just seemed to bring out the best in people.

In autumn, the leaves turned to gold, littering the grounds as if just waiting for children to come along and play. The chill in the breeze would be a welcome respite to the heat. One year, he'd hidden his bird form in a pile of leaves Summer had helped camouflage in, only to pop out and frighten Ruby – it worked a little too well. She'd scream for months after if any pigeon or robin flew into the garden.

But the winter wasn't quite as beautiful. Blame it on the warm weather, or the constant active buzz of the residents, but it had to be admitted that Patch just wasn't the place to go if you were dreaming of a white Christmas. The skies would go a dull grey, sleet would linger as a stubborn drizzle over the towns, and what little snow did appear would turn to sludge as soon as it settled.

Qrow knew the winter in Solitas was a beast in comparison, but as he woke that morning and looked out the window, he knew he'd still have to wrap up. The clouds drifted between white and grey as the sun made a valiant – and hopeless – effort to shine through the weaker spots. Hailstones plummeted from the skies and filled the space between Qrow's ears with hundreds of taps against the roof. Tiny chunks of ice, but it was just as loud as any thunderstorm dared to be. Atlas may be freezing, but that didn't make Patch winters any warmer when you're going through one.

Lucky for him, he had been graced this winter with his own little heater. Well not little, but...

Qrow rolled over in bed, his back to the window as if shunning the dismal weather, and nestled into said heater. Clover smiled just a pinch as he roused at the movement, the arm wrapped around his birdie tightening to pull him closer.

Qrow smiled to himself. Comparing the winters of Patch and Atlas was like comparing the smile Clover had now to the one he'd had when Qrow had asked him to come home with him after everything. He'd been so happy that Qrow had brought it up, showed he wanted him to really be a part of his family, of his life. It felt like such a big step, but now there they were, and Qrow couldn't have been happier. He snuggled up to the Captain, resting his head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. So content, so steady. Clover slept so soundly, the lucky bastard. He seldom moved – the first few nights they'd spent together had worried Qrow. He'd balance his finger just by Clover's nostril to make sure he was still breathing. He'd only hoped his own chaotic sleeping patterns weren't enough to rouse him. But now, they were far more settled around each other, and Qrow focused on that heartbeat he'd grown to adore. It was almost enough to lull him back to sleep.

Ruby's shrill cries of fear erupted from down the hall. Yang's indignant roar. Blake's surprised yowl.

Well, Qrow supposed, they couldn't stay in bed forever.

Clover spluttered a little as the cacophony snapped him completely out of his dreams, before groaning and covering his face with his hand. "Great start to the morning."

"You get used to it." Qrow laughed softly, sitting up. "Come on, soldier boy, time to start the day."

Clover simply groaned again and wrapped his arms tightly around Qrow, fully intending on trapping him.

Qrow laughed, "hey, come on, idiot. Aren't you usually the one who has to get me up?" He stroked Clover's hair affectionately.

"I'm on vacation." He protested weakly, his heart really not in it.

Qrow rolled his eyes and, within moments, Clover's arms were loose around a big black Qrow. His eyes snapped open as said crow hopped onto his head and pecked his ear.

"Hey!" Clover bolted up, not quite quick enough to snatch at Qrow. Qrow simply guided to the end of the bed, croaking and cawing impatiently. Clover let out a long-suffering sigh, before pulling himself out of bed.

The spare room in the house was small, but they'd already gotten used to working around each other in the smaller quarters of Atlas. Qrow pulled a top on under his dress shirt, kept the sleeves down, wore thicker socks... and Clover still wore a vest.

"You're not cold?" Qrow raised an eyebrow at his attire. "Jeez, you're making me cold just looking at you."

Clover smiled that wonderful smile that always made Qrow's heart bounce in his chest, even after all this time. "You remember where I live right? This weather is like the summer in Atlas – it's so warm!"

"Brothers, you'd die if you came here in the actual summer, you know that? You'd drop down and die."

"Thank you for your encouragement." Clover rolled his eyes, and held his arm out to Qrow. "Come on, if you're cold you can snuggle into me."

Qrow wasn't too cold, but he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity like that. A flash of vermilion red Aura, and his much smaller self glided onto Clover's forearm, happy hopping up to his shoulder, until he was tucking himself amid the collar of Clover's waistcoat. The Captain smiled, angling his head and pressing his nose into the soft on Qrow's chest, and Qrow in turn rubbed his beak lovingly into the flop of hair at the front of Clover's head.
He loved being close up to Clover like this, being able to see all the fascinating swirls of colour in his eyes. It freaked him out the first time he saw the world through his crow eyes – UV was suddenly visible, the world suddenly so much brighter and whole, until eventually the colours his human eyes saw felt dull in comparison. Clover's eyes were so beautiful from this perspective. They were normally bright anyway, big and beautiful and the colour of the ocean reef. But now it was like Qrow was truly looking through the ocean, seeing the seafoam and azure sky mingled together in the iris of one man. The instinct to steal them away filled his small body, but he had to remind himself he didn't need to steal this shiny – he already had it, fair and square, safe and sound.

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