Chapter 2

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They stepped out into the hall, and the girls were still arguing. Yang was roaring her head off at Ruby as she stood by the bathroom door, a too-big bath robe swamping her body, hair swept back haphazardly in a towel. Blake stood shivering by Yang, hair wet and dampening the collar of her own bath robe, desperately trying to mediate the row. And poor Ruby stood in her pyjamas clutching her toothbrush in front of her like she would with her precious Crescent Rose.

"What's going on here?" Clover put his hands on his hips as they approached. Qrow was just glad their room had an ensuite.

Ruby jumped at Clover's voice, while Yang glared daggers at the man intruding on their argument. "Ruby walked in on me showering!"

"The door wasn't locked!" Ruby cried back. "How was I supposed to know?! Besides, you were showering with Blake-"


"-and Dad says you're not allowed to shower in pairs anymore!"

"We shouldn't have to suffer just because Qrow and Clover broke the curtain rail last time they-"

Qrow squawked indignantly.

"Okay, that's enough!" Clover ordered, trying not to look embarrassed. "Your father said not to go in pairs, so you need to respect that."

"Yang, he's right..." Blake said guiltily.

"It's HIS fault the rail was broke!" Yang shot back.

"Yes, and I fixed it – !" Clover started.

"If it's fixed then why can't we use the shower together?!"

"That's – that's not the point!"

Qrow shook his head and flew down the hall, passing his feet over Ruby's hair briefly to encourage her to just leave the argument altogether. He was hungry, and he figured Clover could fend for himself against the girls – yes, even against Yang.

When he reached the kitchen, he was a man again. Penny was helping Tai with breakfast while Zwei sat by her feet begging for scraps. She turned and smiled cheerfully at Qrow. "Salutations, Qrow Branwen!" She waved.

"Hey, Pen." He raised his hand tiredly in her direction, going to the fridge. "Hey, Tai."

"Morning. Sounds like a war down the hall." Tai replied. "Nobody dead yet?"

"Eh, it's still early." He smirked as he took out a juice carton – Ruby's, to be precise – and popped it open with the straw.

Taking his advice, Ruby had left the argument, but looked over at her uncle with utmost betrayal. "My juice!"

"Nuh-uh. My juice now." He grinned, taking a sip and holding Ruby at arm's length even as she grappled to reclaim the drink she'd been saving.

"Uncle Qrow, no fair!" She whinged.

"Qrow!" Tai gave him a scolding look. "What are you, 5?!"

The rest of the morning went that way, Qrow teasing the girls at breakfast, Penny and Bake trying to survive the natural chaos of the household, and Clover actively attempting to mediate while helping Tai tidy up after.

"Ruby," Tai coked down a pancake to get the words out quick enough, "I told you Zwei isn't allowed pancakes. He's on a diet."

Clover looked down at the corgi situated between his and Ruby's seats, the dog's tongue lapping at the syrup on her fingers.

"I'm only trying to keep him away from Blake!" She protested. Blake did look very much on edge, her ears slicked right back, and her jaw locked into place, her pupils the smallest slits in her golden eyes. A single roll of thunder burst from outside, and Blake jumped in her seat, her fluffy bob bounding around her head. Qrow laughed softly, but he couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the girl.

"Where was Zwei last night?" Yang asked as she put an arm around Blake, who already looked frazzled before the day had even begun. Qrow could only suppose her social battery had already ran out the first day they'd all arrived. Ah, the curse of the introverts.

"He should have been in his bed," Tai rolled his eyes as he took another pancake from the plate at the centre of the table, "...but he was in with me. He kept my feet warm but his farts were rancid – because someone gave him leftovers again." He looked pointedly at Ruby, who tried to pretend to be totally immersed in cleaning her hand with a tissue.

"You can't blame the dog on all your stink, Dad." Yang smirked.

"It wasn't me! I'm never that bad!"

"I shared a room with you for 4 years." Qrow gave Tai a look. "You are absolutely that bad."

Clover laughed, the sound musical to Qrow's ears. Even as the group continued seesawing between joking and arguing, it was Clover's voice that rung in his ears so sweetly.

Sometimes it was hard being with someone like Clover, especially when Qrow was someone like... well, Qrow. Sarcastic, irritating, cynical. And yet, despite all his flaws, Clover loved him. Despite his coldness, Clover still welcomed him into bed every night, still treated him so wonderfully, still was so quick to point out a virtue to combat every one of those flaws. His hand went under the table and rested on Qrow's knee as if he knew he was being thought about. Qrow pinkened, tried so hard to not look noticeable among the madness. But as he placed his own hand over Clover's, stroked over those knuckles with his thumb, he breathed peacefully. He spotted the slight smile on Clover's face, warm and tender, and their little secret, and couldn't help but smile as well.

"Hey, Qrow to Remnant. Do you hear my call?" Tai shoved Qrow's shoulder lightly.

"Huh? What?" Qrow blinked at Tai, and the girls laughed a little.

"I said, bird brain, that it's too cold outside for a barbecue."

"But Penny's never had one before," Ruby protested, putting a hand on the girl's frilly sleeve, "can't we put the gazebo up?"

"How the hell did we got from farts to barbecues in one conversation?" Qrow furrowed his eyebrows.

Tai slumped his shoulders at Qrow. "Brothers-light-and-dark, how long have you been absent from the conversation for?"

The group laughed, but Clover squeezed Qrow's hand comfortingly.

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