Chapter 4

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"I know it poses a health risk, and all that, but it's such a shame they don't let us keep pets in our living quarters." Clover mentioned as he reached down to pet Zwei, scratching under his ears and earning a happy bark.

Tai laughed softly, shifting so Clover could get to the sink and wash his hands.

"They're a lot more hassle than you think. Almost as much as kids, and you probably won't want them."

Clover laughed hesitantly, "well, well... you never know."

Qrow tilted his head.

"Hm? You'd want kids?" Tai smiled at Clover, before going back to the soup on the stove. The smells of chicken and parsley and garlic filled the room, a warm respite from the continuation of rain and sleet outside.

"Well... maybe. I don't know actually, never really thought about it." Clover went back to the potatoes at the table. "It'd be hard, with my job, and everything... and I don't even know if Qrow would want kids, so..."

"Well, if it's worth anything..." Tai glanced down the hall, before joining Clover at the table, "I think you'd be surprised about that dusty old bird."

Qrow lowered himself, hiding further behind the teapot, his tiny heart going a hundred miles an hour.

"Qrow's always been fond of kids, even if he pretends that he's too cool for them." Tai smiled as he took the potato skins, seasoning them and laying them out on a tray. "He was scared of Yang as a baby – well, scared he'd hurt her. But that was just because he loved her so much. When Ruby came along, though, he'd gotten a lot more confident; wouldn't leave her alone. He'd always be holding her or playing with her when he was here. Anything but changing her diaper."
Clover laughed softly. "You think he'd want his own?"

"Who knows? He'd probably be a good dad, you know. If he wasn't so pessimistic." Tai snickered. "It's always something to talk about."

Clover hummed in agreement, but when he turned from Tai, he looked pensive. Nervous? Qrow swallowed dryly, trying to decipher that look. Was he nervous about asking? Did he actually want any? What did it mean?

He loved Clover, he loved him so much. But he'd never really thought about children – well, that was a lie. He'd thought of it sometimes. More than sometimes. He thought about it a lot.

When he looked at Ruby, he saw a lot of himself in her. He used to be innocent like that once too. He saw a lot of himself in Yang as well, in her cockiness. And sometimes he'd look at them and wonder how things would have been if they were his own. If they would have turned out nearly as okay.

But him and Clover having their own...?

Clover... wanting to have that with him...?

Qrow waited for Clover to turn away again and stayed out of sight as he fluttered down into the hall, silent as he could be. Only, Zwei raised his head at the sound, so Qrow transformed back to himself and walked in as if he'd just come down. Clover smiled at him, oblivious, and got out of his seat. "I was starting to wonder where you were, birdie..."

Qrow made a beeline for Clover and kissed him, deep, lovingly, trying to convey what words couldn't. Clover hesitated in surprise, but it lasted only a moment, before allowing himself to gladly melt against his birdie's lips.

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