CH 05 || The dreaded question

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In the female's bathroom, Ava stood in front of the mirror fixing herself with a happy smile on her face. The smile didn't exactly touch her eyes but it was clearly coming from her mind.

"Pink is definitely not my colour," She pursed her lips, turning her side to the mirror in an attempt to check her side profile. She heard the door opening but didn't bother checking who it was.

As she brushed her lips against each other, she flinched at the sandpaper-like feeling it gave. "Maybe next time I'll try applying some lip gloss," She touched her lips while whispering the words to herself.

Lightly patting her hair in the form of arranging it, she then turned to leave, her eyes still fixed on the mirror until she almost bumped into someone. On realising who it was, colour drained from her face as if she had seen a ghost.

Brianne stood, a vicious look on her face as she stared up and down at Ava in the calmest state as possible with one arm crossed over her chest and the other resting vertically on it.

Inside Ava's chest, there was a marathon going on as she stared at the empty expression Brianne showed while her eyes scrutinized her hair. Reaching for it, she softly grabbed a pinch full, dragging it like she's picking a rag from the dust.

"I'm so sorry Brianne." Ava squeaked with fright, her eyes following her sister's hand at the right side of her head. Brianne shrugged, not a word she said but her eyes still fixated on Ava's hair with a new expression of disgust.

"What a colour." She muttered, much to her hearing, finally letting go of Ava's strands. "Anyway, if you want to get on my good side, you have to do one thing."

At the sound of that, Ava's eyes grew wide with curiosity. "Just one thing? Hell, I'll do more-" she stopped, realising she was going a little too far.

Clearing her throat, she continued, "I mean I-I'll gladly do it." She responded naively.

Brianne smirked. "Of course you would,"

"Maybe.. " She began, her long fingers on her left hand separating and closing quickly like a Chinese hand-fan. "..your scraggy new friend has told you that I am well known here and in case you don't know, I value my reputation. If you know what's best for you, just pretend we are not related and we don't live together. Our last names might now rhyme but it is 'nothing' than a coincidence. If you raise a voice, I'll shut you down trust me. It's not only your voice you'll lose but your entire existence. Take this as a warning, not a threat."

Her warning caused a deep churn at the pit of Ava's stomach. Helplessly, she nodded in acceptance and scurried out of the bathroom like she was trying to avoid inhaling too push of a poisonous gas that filled the room.

Once out, she turned to the door and put her hands on her waist, gaining more courage. Shaking her head, she whispered, "Everything they said was true. You'll learn to love. I'll teach you, don't worry," She gave a dismissive wave and walked back to class.


Leaving class, every student padded down the hallway after their last block. Some looked like they were given a holiday while some looked like they just failed a quiz.

"English can be very boring," said Charles, running his fingers through his hair by the side of his head while nodding at a fellow as a greeting.

"And essays can be frustrating," Charlotte added with a groan. Ava wasn't at all listening to them, her eyes restlessly searching the hallway for no one in particular - maybe just for something interesting - when suddenly her eyebrows shot up straight.

Rex was leaning on a locker, his arms crossed and his eyes focused on whom he was speaking with but without a smile on his testosterone built face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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