part 1: meeting her

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it was a few days away from your first day ever going to college, and you were really excited because you'd gotten into your dream school: Berkeley College. you had some time before you had to go to your sorority/ dorm room, so you decided to stop to get some coffee at a coffee shop nearby, and since there was a long line in the drive thru, you chose to go inside, and that is where you saw a beautiful girl. if not the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. she had green roots and black hair. she was wearing an oversized black t-shirt and a little black skirt with some combat boots. she had blue eyes and gorgeous lips. all you could pay attention to WERE her lips. you caught yourself staring too long, then you realized that she's your roommate, billie. it was around 1:30 and you had to be at your sorority/ dorm to unpack at 2:15, so you had some time. billie was standing in front of you, and it was her turn to order. she ordered a large iced caramel macchiato, which was your order too! you waited for billie to pay, and ordered your drink. as you waited, you felt like someone was staring at you. you turn to your right and see billie looking into your eyes and licking her lips. when you looked at her, she caught herself and looked away as fast as she could. but she knew you saw her. after a few minutes, both of your orders were ready, and then billie gave you your drink because the barista put two of the same drink out. then billie looked at you while handing you your drink and said "y/n? is that you?" "hi billie, yea it's me" you replied in a calm voice. "aren't we roommates?" billie asked.  "yeah i think so!" you reply. it was around 1:36, and you and billie chose to sit outside because it was a beautiful day and you notice her looking at your lips a lot and you caught yourself zoned out into her ocean eyes. "you know, it's crazy we bumped into each other, we're roommates, have the same order, and apparently the same taste in style" billie says laughing. you were wearing a black skirt a white oversized shirt with a black long sleeve inver it, fishnet tights and combat boots. "well yeah i guess, but your hair is different than mine" you say. your hair was long, around to the middle of your back. and it was slightly wavy, and you had very thin fringe bangs in the front. "yeah. i'm not scared to ruin my hair i guess. pussy." billie said. you and billie started laughing after her comment and then you realized it was 1:50, and Berkeley was 15 minutes away. "oh shit look at the time! we gotta go! now!" you say "damn! let's go! which ones your car? mines the challenger" billie says "mines the black rolls royce" you say. "shit mamas, you're rich as hell!" billie says pointing at your car "my dad owns ________ (name of a company. you pick)" you say. "that explains a lot! kk see you at the dorm!" billie says "see ya!" you say back and you go to your car and head to your dorm. billie pulls in right behind you and sees you have a lot of stuff. "damn, since you're daddy's girl i guess you brought a shit ton of stuff" billie said "bitch- i'm not even gonna" you say.

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