part 2: moving in

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you both finally brought all of your things into your dorm and each picked a side to sleep on. your dorm was pretty big so you and billie each had queen size beds given to you. "so what do you wanna unpack first?" billie asks you. "um clothes duhh!! i have too many and i don't wanna wait until the end for them. i think they'll take the longest so let's do that first ok?" you reply. "alright mamas." billie says "why do you keep calling me that? i'm not complaining but why?" you ask as nice as you could. "don't worry about that yet now mamas. tonight you'll see." billie said seductively. "umm ok?" you say hoping for what you think might happen. "ok let's unpack. i'm surprised we each got our own closets! and they're really big too! ok there's one in front of my bed and there's one in front of yours. perfect!" billie says. billie starts taking out 2 really big duffel bags and puts them in her closet without taking anything out of them. "you're not going to take anything out of those?" you ask billie. "nah. those are special bags" billie put the emphasis on special and you knew what was in them. "anything to do with tonight?" you ask her. "it's a surprise mamas don't worry about it i've got it all planned out" billie says "already?! wow." you say kind of shocked on how quick billie had a plan. billie chuckled softly at your comment. once you guys had finished unpacking your clothes it was around 4:50 pm, so you and billie decided to go out for dinner together. "ok who's car are we going with?" you ask billie. "yours obviously" billie said. you get into the drivers seat and billie gets into the passengers seat. you both just sit there for a few minutes in silence until you broke the silence and said "where do you wanna go?" "uhhhh taco bell?" billie suggested. "YES! thank you!! finally someone who likes taco bell." you say happily. you drive to the taco bell around 10 minutes away and park your car to go inside. you order a chicken quesadilla and a baja blast and billie orders 18 bean burritos. "18?!" you say under your breath. billie paid for both of your foods after you said you were, but she wouldn't let you after so many tries you just gave up and let her pay. as you were waiting billie said she was going to go to the bathroom and you said ok and she went and came back really fast but your food still wasn't ready yet. you didn't see billie come back but you felt a pair of hands around your waist. "hey mamas" billie whispered into your ear. by her warm scent of vanilla you knew who it was. "hi babe" you said back. billie gave you a kiss on the neck which made you want to just grab her and kiss her back so badly, but you held all the energy in. after a few more minutes your food was ready, and you and billie went to go sit down. "so you're calling me 'babe' now huh mamas?" billie said jokingly "uhhh" you didn't know how to respond, but billie laughed it off jokingly. you put your hand on the part of your neck where billie kissed you and laughed with her. once you were both done eating, you decided you wanted some cinnamon twists. "i'm paying this time ok?" you say "alright but get me one too" billie said. "kk" you say and you go order 2 cinnamon twists and they're ready really quick, so you take them and go sit back down with billie. you both finished your cinnamon twists and realized it was around 5:40 so you chose to go back to your dorm. on the drive home, you felt a hand on your thigh, and you look down to see billie looking at you with her eyes darkening. you both get back to your dorm and start setting up your beds. you have a black comforter, black sheets, a black little throw blanket, and a little stuffed bear you've had since you were 8. billie started unpacking her bedding too and you saw that she had the same pillow cases as you and the same throw blanket. her comforter was also black and the same as yours. but billie had a little green bear as her little stuffed animal. "i guess we really do have the same taste in things!" you say to billie laughing. billie looks at your bed and starts laughing too. "i guess so!" she said still laughing. you decided it was time to set up your showers. you picked up your little shower bucket and took it to your shower. there were 2 separate showers in your dorm but only one toilet. billie picked up her shower bucket and took it to her shower. you brought some led lights you wanted to set up in the bathroom/ shower area and in your bedroom. "billie, can
you set up the lights in the room while i set the lights up here please?" you ask. "sure mamas" billie grabbed the box of led lights from you and started setting up. meanwhile you were setting up the lights in the shower you thought of how good of a place it is to do the deed. with anyone really. you were hoping for it to be billie because even though you just met her you really like her and you think she feels the same way. you guys finish setting up the lights and put the shower ones on red and you leave to see billie done and the lights in the dorm are also on red. "whoa that was fast babe!" you say to billie. "thanks mamas. ready for your surprise?"

sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger!! ilysm

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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