Chapter 5

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George kicked my leg from underneath the large oak table that made up Gryffindor house. "What?" I hissed, confused.
He nodded up to the front of the great hall, where the first years were standing in line. I was about to kick back George because there was nothing happening, but then I noticed that Harry was next in line to be sorted
I mouthed a thanks to George, who watched Harry fiddle nervously with his robes, and I saw my own leg start to move up and down unconsciously.
"Harry Potter!" Professor Mcgonagal called from her stance behind the oak chair, sorting hat in hand.
Harry nervously walked to the chair and I saw his eyes scanning the crowd, so I waved my hand a bit, trying to get him to see me. But he didn't, instead he sat awkwardly in the chair and his leg bounced as it sat on his small black hair.
The sorting hat started talking to himself, making the decision everyone was waiting for, "Hmm... interesting. Very interesting. You would do well in Slytherin you know.."
"No." I muttered, not believing what was happening. Harry would be around death eaters kids if he was in Slytherin, and that was never good.
"Better be... Gryffindor!" THe sorting hat shouted, making the entire table erupt with cheers and applause.
Harry skipped over to my spot in the center of the gryffindor table, and sat down next to me. "I'm so relieved, for a minute I thought I was going to Slytherin."
I frowned at my brother. "Doesn't matter what house you're in, Harry." Seeing his sad face, I added, "But I am glad you're in Gryffindor."
He smiled again, as if the conversation never happened.
The rest of the meal went quickly, and soon after I was in my dormitory organising out my clothes in the small closet we were given. I wasn't really friends with the other girls in my year, but we were friendly towards each other at least, and kept one another's secrets.
The other girls were friends with one another, but I didn't really like them too much, way too girly for me, and they were too focused on boyfriends and drama and such. The only one I got along with was Angelina Johnson, who was much like me, and was also on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
She was a good quidditch player, and was the only other girl on our team, and her and I both played Chaser together. She's a simple girl, with light brown skin and dark brown, almost black hair. She often sat with me, Fred, George, and Lee at meals and quidditch practices, and was a part of our group, but she often drove herself into her studies. She was probably my closest friend in first year, but once I met Fred, George, and Lee that quickly changed. Still, she was who I went to when I needed to talk to a girl, when I needed someone who understood my problems like Fred and George never could.
"Do you need any help putting your stuff away?" I asked, seeing that she had a large pile of clothes on her bed.
She blew a piece of hair away from her face. "Please."
I let out a laugh and helped her, making small talk as we sorted her clothes and put them out of their crumpled mess.
Once we finished, I led her to the doorway. "I was going to go bother Fred and George, come with me?"
She smiled brightly, as if I hadn't ever said anything like that before. And I realised, maybe I hadn't. "Sure!"
I made a mental note to include her more later, she was a nice girl after all, and I knew the boys liked her as well.
We made it to the boy's dormitory in seconds, where Fred, George, and Lee were all wrestling for the bed closest to the closet.
"Boys!" I called, almost doubling over in laughter when they looked up with surprised faces and pulled apart.
"Want to practice?" Angelina asked warmly.
I was glad I had decided to include her more, it seems to make her happy. Suddenly I remembered something. "Shoot, I wish I could, but I need to go check on Harry, make sure he's alright."
Angelina's eyes widened, but she tried to hide her surprise, not well I might add. "Harry's your brother?"
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yep, I mean I'm pretty sure, we did grow up in the same house, and my dad can testify that we both were carried by my mother."
I ignored her confused looks and instead hushed the boys, whose faces were going red from attempting not to break out in laughter at poor angelina.
"You guys go ahead, I'll be there in a bit." I said when we stopped at the first-year boys dormitory.
"Ok, hurry up though, it isn't even unless you're on Lee's team." Fred said.
I punched him lightly and walked into the dormitory, calling behind me, "Be nice please!"
I found Harry sitting on his bed, writing using his new lettering set mum and dad gave him for school. I sat next to him, and saw that he was writing to mum and dad.
He didn't look up for a bit, focused on keeping his writing stable, but it was as if he didn't even notice me, or feel the bed go down when I sat next to him. "Hey Harry, how have you been?"
He smiled brightly, "Great! I just talked to Ron for a bit, he's really nice and we get along well. And the other boys in my dormitory are really nice! They all talked to me a lot." His face fell.
"What happened?" I asked, concerned.
"They kept asking about my scar, and if I was really 'the Harry Potter' it was horrible, not to mention the stares I keep getting."
I put my arm around my little brother to comfort him. "I know it sucks, but it's just how it is, so you just need to learn to ignore the stares and whispers, and just act as if they don't exist. I'm sure in a few weeks it'll die down, but you survived an unforgivable curse Harry, you'll be in the spotlight for a while." His face fell when I said this, so I lifted his chin. "Don't forget that me, Mum, and Dad are always here for you, and we don't care if you're special or whatever."
He laughed with me and wiped away the slight tears that had appeared under his eyes. "Thanks sis."
We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Harry spoke again. "Can I ask you something?"
"Anything." I promised.
"Are you dating George?" Harry asked, serious.
I started breaking out laughing, practically doubled over on the ground. "You think I.... dating.... George?" I could barely get the words out, for every time I tried to speak the laughter took over. Me and George dating? That was the funniest thing I've ever heard. I never thought of him that way, he was just my best friend, closely followed by Fred, then Lee, then Angelina.
Harry looked hurt for a second before he joined in on my laughter, and we probably looked insane to anyone on the outside, but to us, we were just being normal. Just being Brother and Sister.

A different beginning (George Weasley)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora