Chapter 7

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"Hey ang! Do you want to come over tomorrow? I was going to have a small party,and Fred and George are coming over too, but they're leaving at like midnight or something, but you can just stay over if you want." I spoke into the phone.
"I think I can come, one sec." She put her hand over the phone and yelled at her mum, "MUM! CAN I GO TO THE POTTERS TONIGHT? " She took her hand off and I tried my best not to laugh at her screaming towards her mum. "She said I can, she just wants to make sure your parents are home."
I laughed. Angie's mum tended to get a bit overprotective. "My mum's going to go visit her friend marlene, but my dad will be home, and he's bringing my uncles.
"I finally get to meet
"Great! I think Fred and George will be here this afternoon at like 4, so you can come whenever you want. Oh, and do you have Lee's number? He gave it to me before we left, but I can't find it anywhere."
"Ok it's 143-660-452"
I grabbed my address book from the table and wrote down the letter next to Lee Jordan. "Great,  head over soon? Bring a swimsuit!"
"Yep, got it. I have to do chores, so see you in an hour?"
"Sounds good, bye ang!"
I set the phone down and put it back to my ear, dialing the number Angie had given me. "Hey is this Lee? It's Rose, Angelina gave me your number."
"Hey Rose! This is Lee, what's up?"
I sighed in relief. "I was going to throw a small party tonight, Ang, George, and Fred are coming too, they get here at 4"
"No worries. I think I'm free tonight, when are Fred and George leaving?"
I thought for a moment. "Not sure, just tell your mum like midnight?"
"Okay let me put you on hold and I'll go ask her." the phone clicked and started making a buzzing sound for a few minutes before Lee was back on the phone. "I can go! 4 right?"
"Yep, see you then. Oh, and bring a swimsuit."
"Alright, see you!"
I hung up the phone and pulled on jeans and a cropped tee, and walked downstairs, where my dad was typing something on the computer.
"Hey dad! Ang said she can come, and so can Lee."
"Great honey. What do you guys want to eat, I was just going to make pasta, but since there's so many of you..."
"How about pizza? You can't go wrong with pizza." I insisted.
He smiled. "Sounds good. There's going to be 5 of you, plus Ron and Harry, and I'm sure me, Pads, and Moony will have tons too. How's 6 pizzas sound?"
"Great. Don't rely on leftovers though, Fred and George eat like they're a bottomless pit."
He chuckled, "I won't. When's Angelina coming over?"
I smiled, remembering that my dad had a fondness for Ang, especially since we started hanging out more this summer. It definitely helped that she lived a 15, maybe 20 minute bike ride away. "She's coming in an hour, she has some chores to finish, and the boys will all be here at 3."
"Sounds good honey. Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus will be here in a few minutes, I think they're coming now actually." He motioned to the foyer, where two loud cracking noises erupted.
I gave them both a hug, pausing to do me and uncle Sirius' handshake. "Uncle Sirius!"
He laughed his booming laugh. "How's my favorite niece doing? Any new boyfriends?"
"She's having three over tonight," my dad said, a smirk on his face.
"For a party, dad. They're not even staying the night." I insisted, punching my dad in the stomach.
"You may say that now, but you never know where things will turn..." Uncle sirius joked, earning a hard blow to the stomach from me.
"Leave the poor girl alone." Uncle Remus said, a slight smile on his face at uncle sirius's pained expression.
"Thank you!" I shouted, hand fiving him. "Now, I need to go get the extra bed set up for-"
"Your boyfriend?" Sirius butted in, making everyone break out laughing.
"No, for Ang. See you all later!" I said, shaking my head at my dad's friends. Since my parents had me young, just out of Hogwarts really, they weren't exactly like most parents. Sure, my mum would yell at us if we messed up, but it was like they were still newlyweds, only with two teenage kids.
Mum was definitely the more strict parent, but dad had his times. He didn't care if we messed up on something, he just got upset if we did something that might hurt us, or anyone else. Other than that, dad was pretty down-low in his parenting, his main piece of advice is "live your life how you want to live it, just make sure you still have a life to live when you're done."
I had almost made it to my room when I had the most amazing idea. I sprinted to the outdoor shed where, sure enough, an old projector sat along with at least 5 tents.
"Hey Lee, do you think you could stay the night tonight? Fred and George already said they could."
"Sure, let me ask my mum." he came back to the phone a moment later. "She says I can. What are you up to Rose?"
"Nothing." I hung up the phone and went outside to set up for our night tonight, which I could only hope will go well.
I had already set up the smaller of the two tents, mainly because I was waiting for ang to get here to help me with the other one, which was way too big for me to put up all by myself. God knows why we had a 3 person and a 5 person tent in our garage, considering we only went camping with the trailer my dad impulsively bought 5 years ago . Surprisingly, my dad didn't care that we were staying outside, he only mentioned that girls and boys stay in their own tents, which I obviously agreed to. Fred and George would just pull jokes on us the entire night if we had to share a whole one.
I already had the projector all set up, and I had a new movie I hadn't seen before but that Angie swore by, Heathers. It was supposed to be about a group of like 3 girls all named Heather that were the 'mean girls' of the school. It sounded good, so I had asked Ang to bring over her dvd of it.
Almost exactly when Ang said she would be here, I saw her come into the small clearing that was surrounded by gardens, led by Missy of course, and her eyes lit up when she saw the huge projector screen all set up on the grass lawn. "Merlin! Tonight is going to be so fun!"
I grinned widely. "I know! You need to help me set up the boy's tent though, I could get ours, but it's too big."
"I got it!"
In a few minutes, the large tent was all set up, and we threw a huge pile of pillows and blankets and sleeping bags in there for the boys. Angie was busy making it look all nice while I started laying out blankets and pillows on the grass to watch the movie on, and since it was the middle of august, the sun was out and the breeze was gone, making the 80 degree weather feel like it was at least 90.
"When are the boys getting here again? I'm just about ready to jump in the pond." Angelina asked when she had set up the tent and its bedding and stuff.
I checked my watch. "We have about 3 hours, we can go swim for a bit if you want!"
Ang smiled and pulled off her top and jeans to reveal her already-on swimsuit. "Great, let's go!"
I laughed, "You're crazy you know."
We walked to the large pool house, and I opened up all the large folding doors so that the cool breeze ran through the pool area, and the small grotto that had tons of drinks and snacks.
I dove in immediately after grabbing us both a towel from the laundry basket, and ang soon followed, jumping off the waterslide/waterfall rock structure.
We hung out for a bit under the waterfall, trying to see who could hold their breath longer, and who could stay in the hidden hot tub for the longest in the humid air. We attempted flips and dives, but neither of us were very good, so we ended up sunbathing on the pool floaties for a bit.
Before I could even turn my head to the sound of the door to the pool house opening, I was covered in warm water from the pool.

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