I'm Busy

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Oke, here is a high school aged Irene and Molly story. Sorry it's not Johnlock but I'm really wanting some good lesbian love. This hints a bit at spicy things, and this was literally my reminder to myself of what I wanted to write: "Irene and Molly in high school dating with Irene trying to get Molly in tha MoOd". So yeah, prepare (it really isn't smutty at all I'm just really tired and rambling).

"Molly... Molls!"

"What?" Molly gave an exasperated sigh and shifted to see her girlfriend hanging with her head off the edge of Molly's bed.

"Kiss me," Irene drew her blood red painted lips into a smirk.

Molly rolled her eyes. "I'm a bit preoccupied with a science project now," she huffed from her spot on the floor.

"Baaabe," Irene groaned. She allowed herself to slip off the bed a little further so her low cut black top slid down her front, exposing even more. "I want you."

"I'm busy," Molly replied without looking up from her school work.

Ugh, what's the point of trying to seduce your girlfriend when she won't even look at you, Irene sighed. She decided she wasn't having it anymore. Irene was feeling very horny and wanted Molly to fix that.

"It's hot in here," Irene commented. Molly just made a noise of acknowledgement, her hand still scribbling data in her notebook. Irene rolled her eyes and lifted the hem of her black long sleeve shirt and pulled it off her torso so she was only in her black lacy bra. That finally caught Molly's attention.

"Woah, babe what are you doing?" The brunette stuttered.

"It's hot," Irene shrugged and returned to her previous position of hanging off the bed. She draped her arms off the edge as well and allowed her long dark hair to sway below her. Molly's brown eyes grew even wider. She wasn't able to tear her eyes from her girlfriend's bra and skinny jeaned clad figure.

"W-well that's what you get for wearing a long sleeved shirt on an 80 degree day," Molly said after clearing her throat and forcing her gaze to return to her books.

"I need some cold water," Irene stated and lifted herself off the bed gracefully before heading to the kitchen (thankfully Molly's parents were out). Molly nodded and followed Irene's form with her eyes.

Three minutes later, Irene entered Molly's room with a glass of water and clinking ice cubes. "Take a break with me, please babe?"

"Alright, fine," Molly sighed but brought herself to sit at the footboard of her bed. Irene perched on the edge and lifted the glass dripping with condensation to her red lips. She took a few slow gulps and Molly found her eyes latched to her pale throat as she swallowed. The black haired girl rested her glass in her lap, noticing the mark of her lipstick on the rim.

"S-so do you have any plans this weekend?" Molly asked, trying to remain innocent to her girlfriend's teasing.

"I was hoping we could have a sleepover at my house," Irene smirked. Molly gulped as her face turned red. She had to employ all her willpower to not admire how Irene's pale skin contrasted with the black lace of her bra.

"W-well... I think my parents would be ok with it, you know since they think you're j-just my friend," Molly muttered while playing with her ink stained fingers.

"That's what I was thinking." Irene took the few last gulps of water and let out a satisfied noise that made her shy girlfriend swallow hard. Irene smirked when a new idea entered her head. She maintained eye contact with the brunette while slowly lowering herself on the bed. Irene fished an ice cube out of the glass and placed it just below her collar bone. "Ah, that feels so good," she practically moaned and allowed her eyes to close. She dragged the ice up and along her collar bone before sliding it down to her chest, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. Then, Irene cracked open her eyes to see Molly red faced and biting her lip. Irene grasped the ice between her red painted nails and traced the outline of her bra on her breasts. She saw and heard Molly's sharp intake of breath. After a few more moments, the ice completely melted against her warm skin.

Irene slowly sat up and gave Molly a sultry look. "Is something wrong, babe?" she whispered as the melted ice dripped down her torso.

Molly let out a soft squeak and rapidly shook her head.

"Are you sure," Irene teased while crawling closer to her girlfriend. Molly nodded again with wide eyes. Irene's smirk grew as she lowered her glittering eyes to the other girl's thin lips, causing Molly to lick them in response. Irene finally closed the distance between them and pulled Molly in for a searing kiss. Molly instantly responded and they were soon left panting for breath. Irene pulled back a bit and Molly tried to chase her lips.

Irene chuckled, "Don't you have a project to finish?" Molly huffed and glared at her girlfriend. Irene laughed and brought her lips to the shy, but now turned on, girl's ear. "Just think of this weekend as a reward for doing well on it," She whispered, her lips brushing against the other's ears. Molly let out a soft moan and shifted to move off the bed. Irene placed a light kiss on her cheek before pushing her off the rest of the way. She let out a stream of laughs at the glare her girlfriend gave her, Molly eventually joining in.

While Irene was still kinda in the mood and a bit disappointed things didn't go further, she felt a sense of pride knowing she got her girlfriend hot too and that now they were both suffering. Molly sat with her back against the bed, textbook in her lap, while Irene softly played with her hair and humming occasionally. Eventually, they both drifted off into a comfortable doze. 

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