Bad Dreams

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✧・゚: * Bad Dreams ✧・゚: *

Dream x Reader

Summary: Y/N has a nightmare, and Clay does his best to comfort her.

Request?: Nope :)

Trigger Warning(s): Nightmares, descriptions of cat-calling and sexual harassment (In the nightmare ofc)

A/N: Did you like the unintentional pun in the title? No? Okay.. Anyways, vote or I'll steal your toaster's children and make them into orphans <3 (Also, N/N is Nickname, H/C is Hair Color, and F/D/M is Favorite Disney Movie :D)

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It was dark, the only real light source coming from the dim streetlights and the few lit windows from open stores in the city at this hour. As I looked around I saw very few people, most of them being local drunks from the nearby bar, stumbling their way home. It was only a Wednesday and I had just gotten off of my shift as a bartender. I plugged in my earbuds, putting them into my ears and listening to the music as I continued to walk home.

I slowly pulled an earbud out of my ear, turning down the music as well. I knew I was tired, but not to the point of my own footsteps doubling. I glanced behind my shoulder to see an older man a ways behind me, looking at me with eyes that I recognized all too well from my shifts as the bar. I quickened my pace and took the remaining earbud out of my ear, folding them and placing them into my pocket.

I glanced behind my shoulder again to see the man quickening his pace to try and catch up with me. I panicked. I quickly pulled out my phone, opening up my contacts list. I immediately clicked on Clay's contact, holding the phone up to my ear. It rang multiple times, before being sent straight to the voicemail box. 'What the-?' I thought to myself. 'Clay always answers my calls, no matter how late it is.'

"Heyyy Baby! What's the rush?" The older man called out, slurring his words. "You're lookin' mighty fine in those jeans!" I once again quickened my pace after glancing behind me to see him closer than before. At this point I'm basically speed walking.

I felt a hand slide around the side of my waist, pulling me closer to their side.

"Where you going Baby? The man slurred out, his breath heavy with the scent of alcohol, "I just want to get to know you better!" His grip tightened on my waist, making my fighting against him useless.

"I-I'm not interested, sir."

"Why not? Is it the way I look?" His grip still tight, but beginning to trail up slowly towards my chest, the other hand gripped tightly on my hand.

"Please stop sir!" I squirmed from the touch, eventually breaking free. I began running, hearing his footsteps right behind me followed by shouts and slurs. I felt a sharp and strong grip on my wrist, stopping me dead in my tracks and spinning me around to face him. In a flash, I see a glass beer bottle raised above my head, followed by the sound of glass shattering.

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I shot up in a cold sweat, Immediately followed by a heavy wave of nauseous disgust. I turned on my bedside lamp, pulling my knees up to my chest. I looked towards my phone, not wanting to go back to sleep.

I stayed like that for probably 30 minutes. Everytime I closed my eyes or dozed off in the slightest bit, all I saw was the disturbing dream replaying in my mind over, and over, and over. I looked over towards my phone sitting on the bedside table for a moment before picking it up and unlocking it. I pulled up my contacts and called the only person I could think to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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