Leving the Den

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Tanjiro the, Tanuki

-狸-Tanjiro the, Tanuki

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❝Work at it.
All I can do is work hard!
That's the story of my life!
Hard work is some of the other efforts!
It can be one step at a time!
Move forward!❞

Today's the day, where Tanjiro splits from his family to live on his own. He was extremely excited waiting fifteen years for this moment to be the first son of the Kamado family living on their own but, the fear and sadness couldn't compare.

He put his travel bag over his shoulders and fixed his scarf with a smile before turning around, "Today's the day" tanjiro walked out of his shared room and was greeted by his father.

"Tanjiro fifteen already" his father's eyes softened as he rubbed his son's head, "life goes by fast" looking down the boy nodded, "Tanjiro, be safe out there. People can take advantage of a kind tanuki like you" Tanjiro's head lifted to see his father's smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay." The older Tanuki let out a heartfelt chuckle,

"Oh, I'm not worried about that." Tanjiro followed him to see his brothers and sisters cheering for him.

"Tanjiro!" He smiled and hugged them all, before asking "Where's mom?"

"Outside" Takeo huffed laying his hand on his hip before looking away. Hanako slapped his head, "Hey-" Takeo scrunched his nose.

"No need to be so mean!" Hanako and Shigeru yelled and Tanjiro laughed,

"Oi, oi, oi, no hitting guys."

Tanjiro caressed their heads before stepping outside where his mother was.

Her pale skin was overrun by the warm summer light, "Mom," Tanjiro grinned, jogging up to her as his leaf-shaped earring jingled. His mother turned around with a soft smile and even softer pale purple eyes, "What are you doing?" He asked tilting his head,

She cupped her cheek before swiping a strand of black hair away, "I just got done with your gift sweetheart, you are fifteen after all Tanjiro" She told him standing up as her hands covered the gift, "Close your eyes, Tanjiro" He nodded and shut his eyes, puffing out his cheeks.

His ears were tugged at as his tail wagged in excitement. "Okay Tanjiro" his eyes meant his mother's and he glanced at her hand, seeing his earrings in her hands.

Tanjiro subconscious touched his ears and felt rectangles on them, the boy's fingers glided over the engravings and glowed,

"Just like dads" he expressed and his Mother nuzzle his cheek before kissing his forehead,

"Be safe out there, Tanjiro" her voice was soft as she handed him his old earrings, "Give these to someone you trust" He nodded with a determined look.

The others walked outside, some with tears in their eyes making Tanjiro's ears droop at the thought of leaving them, "I love you guys" Tanjiro let out as the end of his lips lifted even higher than before.

Patting their heads he crouched down and whispered, "I'll be back soon" his younger siblings nodded and Nezko smiled hugging her big brother like she'd never see him again.

Stepping away he adjusted the bag on his back, squinted "Well, I have to go now, See you guys later!" he waved and started to walk off hearing cheers and drums of the Tanuki.

Tanjiro waves as he walked away from his family" I'll miss you!!" Tanjiro yelled with a stern look as he turned and looked towards the ground, tears running down his face.



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This story is just a fluff story that I'm doing for fun. The concept is a dream I had so I researched the Tanuki yokai.

My writing is cringe but if you wanna read go ahead!

Official chapter Feb 18

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