28. Lavender✔

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I trust him, he is my husband, but he keeps on keeping secrets from me and I don't like that, at all.

Thanos on the other hand just likes to run his mouth and talk a lot of bullshit, so I can't trust him.

"Baby don't listen to him okay, he's just mad because I finally got hitched and he's still a lonely bastard," Hades says, holding my arms.

I chuckled, not because I believed but because he was sort of right, Thanos was lonely and bored, so he'll do anything to keep his life interesting by making other people's lives hell.

"Makes sense, if I didn't get some, I'd be just as mad."

"Speaking of some, I can't wait to give you some tonight," he smirks as he snakes his arms around my waist. I look into his lust-filled blue eyes, and I can't help but shiver a little.

I've been waiting for him to have me since the day we met and since then he's just been teasing me and building frustration between us. Tonight, was the night that I got to touch his body and feel his muscles, see his naked body in all its glory, funny thing is I have never seen him naked, he has never wanted me to see him naked, ever.

"We need to unfreeze them," I say looking around at everyone.

He gives me a smirk, "Do we though? We can go upstairs, get laid and then come back and pretend we never left."

"Not happening, come on, do it," I chuckle, he gives me a pout.

"No Hades!", he rolls his eyes and claps his hands twice.

I wonder if I can do that.

Yes, you can but only once you've mastered and are able to control your powers.

"You could have said that out loud," I giggle, Fifi and Poseidon rush towards us.

"Are you two, okay?"

"We are okay, it was just Thanos being Thanos as usual" Hades replies to his brother, Poseidon grabs his arm and pulls him away, leaving me with Fifi, she looked beautiful, she had a natural glow to her skin, seems the pregnancy made her even more attractive.

"So how are you feeling? Now that you and Hades have tied the knot?" she asks as we walk towards the bar.

I chuckle, "Nervous if I'm being honest. I married into the most powerful family on earth, and I'm still not used to the fact that I am a goddess myself, it's weird and the whole thing with my mom, I just don't know what's going to happen next that'll throw me for another loop."

Fifi gives me a sympathetic smile, "My poor baby, Hades needs to take you on vacation, the past month has been crazy for the both of you, especially you."

We went to the bar and ordered wine and juice for me and Fifi.

"Yeah, I don't understand something though, I've known Chase for more than a year and somehow, I never noticed anything off about him and how well he knows you guys, what is he? Who is he? And what does he want from us? From me?"

Fifi remains quiet, I look over at her and she looks confused, she probably has the same questions and is in the dark just as I am, she lets out a sigh and before she opens her mouth Poseidon appears beside her.

"Uh Korey, Hades needs you at the high table." He says with a weird, creepy smile.

I nodded and walked away towards the high table; Poseidon was acting weird

and why did he have to appear right when she was about to say something, I know that she was about to say something important, I need to find out who Chase really is.

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